Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Laying hens, pullets, ducks, geese, peacocks, quail, turkeys, sheep, Nigerian dwarf goats for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, July 20th, 2017

Laying hens, gold sexlinks 16.00 each. Rhoad Island Red pullets 10 to 12 weeks old 10.00 to 12.00 each depending on size baby turkeys, red bourbon, blue slate, black, bronze, royal palm one week old 12.00, two months old 20.00 we have two Nigerian dwarf goats both males asking 125.00 each or if you take both […]

Guineas, ducks, geese, peacocks, quail, laying hens, pullets, chicks, sheep, eggs, pure honey, hay for sale in San Antonio

Friday, July 7th, 2017

Guinea keets 6.00 each many colors to choose from, older guineas 12 to 14 weeks 10.00 each. Baby chicks, all hens 3 weeks old 5.00 each, we have buff Orpington, wellsummer, and cuckoo marans Laying hens gold sexlinks already laying eggs 16.00 each Rhoad Island Red pullets two and a half months old 10.00 to 12.00 each. […]

Guineas, ducks, chicks, emu’s, quail, peacocks, geese, laying hens, turkeys, bunnies, hay for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Guinea keets, many colors 5.00 each for one week old 8.00 for 6 week old chicks, all hens, cuckoo maran, buff orpington, wellsummer 4.00 each. laying hens, Rhoad island reds 16.00 each, these hens are about 18 weeks old turkey chicks, many breeds, blue slate, chocolate, black, bronze, white Holland, 12.00 for one week old 14.00 for […]

Emu’s, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, laying hens, chicks, bunnies, turkeys, guineas, sheep, goats for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, June 7th, 2017

We have three baby Nigerian dwarf goats, 2 males and 1 female 125.00 each, all black and white Emu’s about 4 months old and pushing 4 feet tall 175.00 each. laying hens, gold sexlinks 16.00 each. laying hens, cuckoo marans, 20.00 each. we only have 8 left. baby turkeys, blue slate, bronze and white Holland 12.00 for […]

Quail, ducks, geese, turkeys, peacocks, emu’s, laying hens, chicks, sheep, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Baby turkeys, 12.00 each for one week old, we have blue slates, chocolate, white Hollands, and bourbon reds, 15.00 for one month old baby geese, saddle backs, white Chinese, brown African 13.00 each for one week old 15.00 for one month old baby quail 1.00 each, three week old and older 3.50 each. laying hens […]

Emu’s, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, sheep, bunnies, laying hens, chicks, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, May 25th, 2017

I have three Emu’s about 4 months old about 3 feet tall asking 175.00 each. or willing to trade baby quail, Texas A&M and Courtinix 1.00 each. peacocks many colors all about 2 years old 150.00 each. laying hens, we just got in a new batch of gold sexlinks, excellent layers these birds are about 17 […]

Chicks, guineas, turkeys, quail, peacocks, geese, ducks, laying hens, emu’s, sheep, fresh eggs, hay for sale in San Antonio

Friday, May 19th, 2017

Chicks – we got in an unexpected shipment of Polish tophats many colors 4.00 each. Chicks – buff orpington, gold laced wyandottes, ameracaunas, one month old all hens 5.50 each. Chicks – black Jersey giants and Jersey giant / leghorn cross 2.00 each. Turkey chicks- bronze and white Holland 12.00, one month old turkeys 15.00 each. […]

Chicks, ducks, geese, pheasants, quail, laying hens, peacocks, turkeys, guineas, bunnies, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, May 6th, 2017

Chicks in this week Polish top hats, Japanese silkies many colors to choose from 5.00 each. Golden laced wyandottes, ameracaunas, buff orpington, black australorp, barred rocks all hens all 4.00 each. quail chicks, Texas A&M and Courtinix 1.00 each. adults 5.00 each. Turkey chicks, black, chocolate, red bourbon, bronze, white Holland/royal palm 12.00 each. 6 weeks […]

Bunnies, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, peacocks and sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Chicks in this week Barred rocks, black australorps, buff orpington, Rhoad island reds, dark cornish all females 4.00 each, will discount for volume sales Black jersey giants and Jersey giant leghorn crosses 2.00 each. Baby ducklings 7.00 each, three week old 10.00 each Baby geese 13.00 three to 4 weeks old 15.00 each. White Chinese […]

Chicks, baby ducks, baby geese, bunnies, quail, laying hens, sheep, peacocks, guineas, baby turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, April 12th, 2017

We have had a couple of individuals looking for female guineas, well we have two, they are laying eggs, we also have about 6 males asking 18.00 each. laying hens, gold sexlinks we have a couple that have started laying eggs, 16.00 each. baby chicks, black Jersey giants 2.00 each. baby chicks, all hens, black sexlinks, […]