M & T Rabbitry and Poultry Farm has Chicks, laying hens, quail, ducks, geese, peacocks, guineas, turkeys, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, January 19th, 2023


Open 7 days a week, hours of operation 10 to 6, Call before coming out.

Red Sex link,  hens are five months old, 20.00 each.

(Sold out of Baby Chicks, check back Thursday 3/6)

Baby Ducklings, 10.00 each.

Baby Geese, Brown African and White Chinese 20.00 each.

Peacocks and Peahens just got in a new batch aged from one and a half to two years old 155.00 each, Purple, White, Spaulding, Pieds, Opal, Cameo, and, Peach, Got these in 2/17 many colors to choose from.

Adult Guineas 20.00 each.

Ducks, Muscovy, females and males 30.00 each.

Ducks, Peking, Swedish, Khaki Campbell female ducks  30.00 each

Coturnix Quail 1.50 each.

Bunnies, Holland Lops, Lionheads 55.00 each .

8oz farm fresh honey 5.00, Walnut honey 5.00

Baby Goats Boer Cross 150.00 each. 2 left.

fresh eggs Dz 5.00, 18 pack 7.50

Chicken Coops 4×8 well built, two by four lumber and cedar walls, comes with removeable nesting boxes for easy cleaning, 500.00











M & T Rabbitry and poultry farm has Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, sheep, honey, and farm fresh eggs for sale

Sunday, January 15th, 2023


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Laying hens, red sex links, five months old some have begun to lay small pullet eggs 20.00 each.

Chicks, all females guaranteed, gold sex links, and Rhode island reds 6.00 each.

Texas A & M quail going on two weeks old 2.00 each.

Ducklings, khaki Campbell, Peking, buff, Swedish, and Rouen 10.00 each.

Farm fresh honey 4.00 a bear.

Farm fresh eggs 4.00 a dozen.

Bunnies, Holland lops, lion head, and Netherland dwarfs 55.00 each.

Quail, chicks, ducks, geese, peacocks, laying hens, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Friday, January 6th, 2023


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Baby quail, Texas A&M one week old 1.00 each, Coturnix two to three weeks old 2.50 each.

Chicks, white leghorns about 4 to 5 weeks old all females 8.00 each.

Laying hens, red sex links five months old some are already laying pullet eggs 20.00 each. check on the availability of white leghorn, ameracaunas, blue French copper Marans and buff Brahmas 20.00 each. Blue French copper 25.00 each.

Peacocks, males and females, Spaulding’s, blues, opals, bronze, white eyes, and more start at 155.00 each.

Young ducks, about one month old, Peking, blue and black Swedish 10.00 each.

Adult ducks, straight runners, Peking, Swedish, and muscovy 25.00 each.

Bunnies, lion head and Holland lops 55.00 each. We have a cage special of a brand new cage and a gallon bag of feed and a bunny of your choice for 135.00


M & T Rabbitry and poultry farm has, laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Friday, November 25th, 2022


Hours of operation 10-6 Daily

Laying hens, red sex links, hens right about 5 months of age 20.00 each.

Chicks, white leghorn, California white, buff Orpington, ameracaunas all females 6.00 each.

Ducklings, Peking, Swedish blue and black 10.00 each.

Adult ducks, Swedish, Khaki Campbell, Peking, Muscovey 25.00 each.

Farm fresh eggs 4.00 a dozen.

Coturnix quail should be hatching around the 16th of Dec.

Peacocks, opal, Spaulding, bronze two years old 155.00 males only

Farm fresh honey was just harvested about 3 weeks ago 4.00 a bear.

M&T Rabbitry and Poultry farm has, chicks, laying hens, ducks, ducklings, peafowl, guineas, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, November 10th, 2022


Hours of operation 10-6 Daily

Chicks, three to four-week-old Ameracaunas, barred rocks, Rhode island reds, all hens 7.00 each.

Laying hens, red sex links 20.00 each.

Ducklings, khaki Campbell, Swedish, and Peking 10.00 each.

Baby Geese, brown African and white Chinese 17.00 each they are three weeks old.

Adult guineas 25.00 each, pearl, lavender and pieds.

Turkeys, young adults 60.00 each, blue slate, Spanish black

Peacocks, males 155.00 females 175.00 these birds are breeding age and still have some opals, Spaulding, pieds left.

M&T Rabbitry and poultry farm has chicks, laying hens, ducklings, baby geese, peacocks, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, November 5th, 2022


Hours of Operation 10-6 daily

Chicks, we have three-week-old Ameracaunas, Rhode island reds, and barred rocks all hens 7.00 each.

Laying hens, red sex links, California whites, and white rocks about 5 months old 20.00 each.

Baby ducks, khaki Campbell, Peking, Swedish 10.00 each.

Baby geese, white Chinese,  brown African 16.00 each.

Breeding age Peacocks, opal, bronze, Spaulding, pieds 155.00 males 175.00 females

Young peacocks, we have two left about 3 months old both appear to be Spaulding 60.00 each.

M & T Rabbitry and Poultry farm has Laying hens, chicks, guineas, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, October 20th, 2022


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Laying hens, Red sex links 5 months old 20.00 each.

Chicks, three weeks old, Dominique, ameracaunas, black australorp all females 6.50 each.

Chicks, Japanese silkies 6.00 each.

Young guineas are 10.00 each.

Adult ducks, Peking, Rouen, Swedish, muscovy 25.00 each.

Quail chicks, going on two weeks old 1.50 each, we have Texas A&M and Corturnix

Peacocks, two to three months old 55.00 each.

Adult Peacocks have many colors to choose from, 155.00 to 175.00 these birds are breeding age already.


M & T Rabbitry and Poultry has laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, guineas, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, October 6th, 2022


Hours of operation

Laying hens, red sex links five months old 20.00 each.

Chicks, Japanese silkies, ameracaunas, Dominiques, black australorp 6.00 each.

Guinea chicks, 4 weeks old 7.00 each, 6 weeks old 10.00 and adults 22.00 each.

Quail chicks, Coturnix both brown and white 1.00 each. We had a great hatch of both Texas A&M quail and Coturnix.

Young geese, brown African and white Chinese 25.00 each, Adults 70.00 each, Sebastopol geese adults 100.00 each.

Adult ducks, Rouen, Peking, Swedish, and muscovy 25.00 each.

Peacocks, right now we only have adult males, opal, cameo, bronze, bronze black shoulder, and Spaulding 155.00 each.

Farm fresh eggs 3.00 a dozen

Industrial high velocity belt-driven fan, 48 inch Utilitech, bought it at Lowe’s still in the box paid 549.00 asking 500.00, this fan would be great in the barn on hot days.

M & T Rabbitry and Poultry farm has quail, ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks, peacocks, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, September 29th, 2022


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Button quail adults, pairs for 20.00, single females 15.00 each.

Coturnix quail chicks, 1.00 each, call ahead for availability

Chicks, ameracaunas, barred rocks, black sex links all females all 6.00 each.

Chicks, Japanese silkies 6.00 each.

Guinea fowl, chicks 6.00 each, four to five-week-old chicks 8.00 each, and adults 22.00 each.

Baby ducklings, muscovy 8.00 each.

Adult ducks 25.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sex links, and red sex links are 20.00 each. These birds are 5 months old and just about ready to lay eggs.

M & T Rabbitry and Poultry farm has Guineas, ducks, chicks, quail, laying hens, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, September 22nd, 2022


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Guinea chicks, 6.00 each, three to four weeks old 7.00 each. Adults 22.00 each.

Chicks, we have Japanese silkies, black sex links, barred rocks, ameracaunas 6.00 each. All are guaranteed hens except the silkies.

Button quail, chicks 2.00 each, Adults 20.00 a pair.

Quail, Coturnix chicks 1.00 each. Call before coming out these are limited and more should be hatching next week

Laying hens, red sex links, gold sex links 20.00 each.