Open 7 days a week, hours of operation 10 to 6, Call before coming out.
Red Sex link, hens are five months old, 20.00 each.
(Sold out of Baby Chicks, check back Thursday 3/6)
Baby Ducklings, 10.00 each.
Baby Geese, Brown African and White Chinese 20.00 each.
Peacocks and Peahens just got in a new batch aged from one and a half to two years old 155.00 each, Purple, White, Spaulding, Pieds, Opal, Cameo, and, Peach, Got these in 2/17 many colors to choose from.
Adult Guineas 20.00 each.
Ducks, Muscovy, females and males 30.00 each.
Ducks, Peking, Swedish, Khaki Campbell female ducks 30.00 each
Coturnix Quail 1.50 each.
Bunnies, Holland Lops, Lionheads 55.00 each .
8oz farm fresh honey 5.00, Walnut honey 5.00
Baby Goats Boer Cross 150.00 each. 2 left.
fresh eggs Dz 5.00, 18 pack 7.50
Chicken Coops 4×8 well built, two by four lumber and cedar walls, comes with removeable nesting boxes for easy cleaning, 500.00