Quail, ducks, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, pigeons, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Baby quail 1.00 each, three week old quail 2.50

chicks, all hens, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington 5.00 each. about two to three weeks old

barnyard mix straight run chicks 2.00 each.

young pullets, barred rocks and ameracaunas 7.00 to 8.00 depending on age.

laying hens about 16 weeks old, ameracaunas and red sexlinks 16.00 each.

turkey chicks, blue slates, rio grande, blacks 12.00 each.

guineas 16.00 each.

square bales of hay 7.00 each, this is fresh and barn kept.

we are down to the last peacock its a white male two years old 150.00

used rabbit cages singles 15.00 each. doubles 30.00

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