Pheasants, ducks, geese, peacocks, laying hens, chicks, turkeys, sheep, goats, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Time to get your backyard chickens going, its spring time

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and buff orpington some are about to start laying eggs 16.00 each.

Chicks, Rhoad island reds, buff orpington, New Hampshire reds, brown leghorns all females all 4.00 each.

Chicks black sexlinks 3 to 4 weeks old no need for a heat lamp 5.00 each.

Chicks Polish Tophats, we have about 20 left asking 4.00 each.

Barnyard chicks, Jersey giants 2.00 each.

Chinese ring neck pheasants 70.00 a pair or 100.00 for a trio

Baby goats, La Mancha/nubian cross 125.00 each.

Baby goats Nubian/Alpine cross 125.00 each.

Baby goats, Nigerian dwarf 125.00 each.

I have two mama goats Nubian/Alpine cross 175.00 each.

Baby geese, brown African 13.00 each.

Sebastapol geese (babies) should be hatching soon, keep checking with us.

Emu’s should be hatching soon 125.00 each, keep checking with us.

Peacocks many colors one year old birds 150.00 each, long tails three year old birds males and females 175.00 each.

Dexter bull going to be tiny 600.00

Zebu bull and heifer want to sell as a pair 600.00 each.

Easter bunnies, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, lionheads 40.00 each.

we have a cage special, new cage, water bottle, food bowl, Timothy hay, bag of food, toy, salt lick, bedding, and a bunny of your choice 105.00 while the cages last.

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