M & T rabbitry has Chicks, laying hens, ducks, geese, peacocks, bunnies/rabbits, sheep for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 daily
Chicks, cream legbar, blue French copper Marans, olive eggers all hens all 6.00 each.
Chicks, cuckoo Marans about 3 to 4 four weeks old all hens 7.00 each.
Adult ducks, muscovies, Swedish, Peking, Rouens, straight runners, 25.00 each.
Peacocks, we have Spaulding, blue, bronze, opals, cameo 155.00 each, these are two-year-old birds.
Baby sheep, black Hawaiian, 150.00 each. all females only have 5 left.
Laying hens, red sex links five months old 20.00 each.
I have one baby turkey, 13.00 one baby peacock at 35.00, one baby duck at 8.00 and one baby saddleback goose at 15.00