M & T Rabbitry has Chicks, ducks, turkeys, laying hens, geese, peacocks, bunnies/rabbits for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 daily
Baby chicks in this week, Buff Orpington, barred rocks, Olive Eggers, Japanese silkies 6.00 each
Barnyard mix chicks 2.00 each, these chicks are a straight run ( could be hens could be roosters)
Laying hens, red sex links five months old just about ready to lay eggs 20.00 each.
Baby turkeys, standard bronze, royal palms 15.00 each.
Baby geese, white Chinese, brown African 15.00 each.
Ducklings, Peking 8.00 each.
Bunnies, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops, lion head 50.00 each. Cage special, new cage, a bag of feed, and a bunny of your choice 125.00