M & T Rabbitry has, Bunnies, guineas, chicks, ducks, geese, laying hens for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 Daily
Adult guineas 22.00 each.
Chicks, blue French copper Marans, blue australorp, and Easter eggers, all hens all 6.00 each.
Chicks, barred rocks, naked necks all hens all 6.00 each.
Chicks, frizzles, Japanese silkies, 6.00 each.
Chicks, barnyard mix straight run 1.50 each.
Baby geese, brown African only 15.00 each.
Turkeys White Holland, about three months old 20.00 each.
Baby ducks, magpies, Cayuga, khaki Campbell 8.00 each.
Baby Call ducks 12.00 each.
Call duck males 25.00
Laying hens, red sex links 20.00 each.
Japanese silkie hens, white, black, and partridge 25.00 each. Roosters 12.00 each.
Coturnix quail chicks should be hatching around July 2nd, mark your calendar 1.00 each.
Peacocks, two-year-old males, bronze, bronze black shoulder, opal, and platinum 155.00 each.
Bunnies, summer special 35.00 each. Holland lops, Lionheads, Netherland Dwarfs
For a short time only, breeder rabbits, lops, lion head, and Netherland dwarf 35.00 each.
Button quail, babies 5.00 adults 20.00 each. call (Wanda) at 909-675-4831