M & T Rabbitry and Poultry farm has Laying hens, chicks, guineas, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 daily
Laying hens, Red sex links 5 months old 20.00 each.
Chicks, three weeks old, Dominique, ameracaunas, black australorp all females 6.50 each.
Chicks, Japanese silkies 6.00 each.
Young guineas are 10.00 each.
Adult ducks, Peking, Rouen, Swedish, muscovy 25.00 each.
Quail chicks, going on two weeks old 1.50 each, we have Texas A&M and Corturnix
Peacocks, two to three months old 55.00 each.
Adult Peacocks have many colors to choose from, 155.00 to 175.00 these birds are breeding age already.