Laying hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, peacocks, chicks, donkeys for sale in San Antonio

Full size donkey and baby donkey both males 150.00 each. Friendly and great watchdogs

Laying hens, we just got in red and gold sexlinks already started laying eggs, 17.00 each

Laying hens, a tad bit younger should start laying eggs soon, Rhoad island reds, black australorp 15.00 each, we only have a few of these left.

Chicks, salmon favarolles, buff orpington, ameracaunas about 6 weeks old 7.00 older chicks 8.00 each.

Adult blue slate tukeys 45.00 each.

Peacocks males and females 150.00 and 160.00 each.

Baby ducks, Swedish, mallards 7.00 each. adults 20.00 each.


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