Laying hens, ducks, chicks, quail, turkeys, geese, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Baby chicks in this week, ameracaunas, Rhoad island reds, bantams,

ameracaunas and Rhoad island reds all hens 3.50 each, will discount for quantity orders.

bantams many breeds 2.50 each.

just got in a new batch of laying hens all are laying now, gold sexlinks 16.00 each.

we do have a few buff orpingtons, anconas, barred rocks as well 16.00 each.

Black copper marans, these are the Bev Davis line,  35.00 a pair

black copper maran hens 20.00 each, while they last.

Peachicks, dad is a bronze and mom is a India blue 30.00 each.

quail babies 1.00 each or if you take 25 or more .50 each.

Bobwhite quail also know as Wisconsin jumbos 1.00 each, only have 150 or so left.

older quail 3.50 up to 5.00 depending on age.

Turkeys— I have royal palms 6 to 8 weeks old 16.00 each

Royal palm 3 to 4 month old 25.00 Blue slate 3 to 4 month old 25.00

Chicken eggs, we are getting about 5 to 6 dozen a day, asking 3.00 a dozen.

Red bourbon only have one 3 to 4 month old 25.00

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