Laying hens, ducks, chicks, geese, pheasants, quail, turkeys, guineas, Zebu cattle, Ibex for sale in San Antonio

Just got in today a new batch of red sexlinks and gold sexlinks just about ready to start laying eggs 16.00 each.

Chicks, Barnvelders, Ameracaunas, Cuckoo marans about 4 weeks old 5.00 each, guaranteed hens 5.00 each.

Chicks, golden laced wyandottes about 6 weeks old all hens 6.00 each.

pullets, Delawares and black Australorps about 8 to 10 weeks old /8.00 each.

Guineas about 6 weeks old 6.00 each.

Turkeys many sizes many breeds one week old 13.00, 6 weeks old 15.00 and 8 to 10 weeks old 18.00 each.

Adult quail, already laying eggs 5.00 each.

Zubu and Dexter cattle 600.00 each.

Ibex 300.00 OBO each. I have two males and two females

Ask about our honey, mustang grape jelly, fig preserves, polmagranet jelly 6.00 each.

square bales of hay 8.00 each.

Pot belly pigs I have two white females left 125.00 each.

Baby muscovey ducklings 7.00 each.

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