Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, pheasants, turkeys, peacocks, quail and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Time to get that backyard flock started for spring eggs!

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks about 5 months of age, many have already started laying eggs 17.00 each.

Chicks, brown leghorn, spangled Hamburg, butter cups and ancona, all girls 5.00 each.

Chicks, barnyard mix straight run 2.00 each.

Baby geese, white Chinese, Brown African 13.00 each.

Ducklings, mallards, Swedish and more 7.00 each.

Peking ducks, adults 20.00 each.

Pheasants, we only have females left in blue and males and females in ringnecks, 35.00 each.

Quail, 3 to 4 weeks old 3.50 each while they last.

Turkeys, royal palm adult male 50.00, royal palm chicks 13.00 each for one week old 14.00 for three week old.

Peacocks many colors to choose from males and females going on two years old 150.00 each.

Bunnies, Netherland dwarfs, lionheads, Holland lops 40.00 each.

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