Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, peacocks, quail for sale in San Antonio
Arrived today, we have pullets that are 10 weeks old, Salmon Favarolles, Polish tophats, bantams, Delawares, buff orpington, ameracaunas all hens 10.00 each, the hard part has already been done for you, no need for heat lamps.
In chicks we have Cornish 3.50 each. all hens
Laying hens, barred rocks, white leghorn, black sexlinks, game hens, gold sexlinks, Jersey giants, black australorps 16.00 each.
Baby ducks, peking, Swedish, and rouens, these ducklings are about 4 weeks old 7.00 each
Peacocks, only have a few left, white, pied, black shoulder and blue 150.00 each, for either male or female
I have about 4 French black copper marans left in roosters 15.00 each, these are the Bev Davis line chickens.