Laying hens, chicks, ducklings, peacocks, turkeys, sheep for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6
Laying hens, red sex links, gold sex links, and a few rustic ramblers some are already laying eggs 18.00 each.
Pullets, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode island reds about 8 weeks old 10.00 each.
Pullets, gold sex links, black sex links about 6 weeks old 7.00 each.
Chicks, blue barred rocks, wellsummers, barnvelders, tetra tint all hens all 5.00 each.
Ducklings, Peking, mallards, Swedish one week old 8.00 each, 6 weeks old 10.00 each
Peacocks and Peahens, we only have a few left but have opals, cameo, bronze and more 150.00 each.
Turkey chicks, heritage breeds 15.00 each. Double brested whites 13.00 each.
Barbado sheep all ewes about 4 months old 150.00 each.