Lambs, sheep, dwarf goats, turkeys, geese, ducks, bunnies, peacocks, quail, laying hens, for sale in San Antonio
Black French copper maran chicks 15.00 each, we have 4 left
Blue splash maran chicks 15.00 each. we have three left.
Baby Nigerian Dwarf goats 125.00 each
Baby Hawaiian sheep 125.00 each.
baby chicks in this week Rhoad island reds, buff orpington, brown sexlink, New Hampshire reds, wellsummer, cuckoo maran both feathered leg and non feathered leg, barnvelders. all hens all 5.00 each.
we have a pretty good selection of chicks that are now old enough for no heat lamp starting to feather out for 6.00 and 7.00 each, this does include ameracaunas
barnyard mix chicks 1.75 each.
baby ducks, mallards and Swedish 7.00 each.
baby geese 13.00 each
baby turkeys 10.00 each.
Laying hens, ameracaunas, white rocks, black australorp, these pullets are about 14 weeks old 16.00 each. Call ahead for these to make sure we still have some.