Guineas, ducks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, quail, zebu brahma, honey for sale in San Antonio

Baby guineas starting at 6.00 each for three week old, four to five week old 7.00 each. many colors to choose from

Baby ducks, peking and muscovey 7.00 each

Chicks, no longer need the heat lamps they are about 3 to 4 weeks old and feathering out real well, we have buff orpington, silver laced wyandottes, and ameracaunas guaranteed females 6.00 each.

Laying hens, red sexlinks most have started laying eggs five months old 17.00 each.

Baby quail, bob white jumbos 1.00 each.

Baby turkeys, royal palm 13.00 each.

Adult turkeys, royal palm, midget white, red bourbon, females 45.00 each.

Peacocks, many colors to choose from including white, cameo, and more 150.00 each. Peahens 160.00 each.

Raw honey 6.00 per bear or two for 11.00

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