Emu, laying hens, chicks, ducks, peacocks, guineas donkeys for sale in San Antonio


Hours of operation 10-6 every day

Emu, one-year-olds plenty to choose from 400.00 each.

Laying hens, red sex links, 5 months old some have started laying already 17.00 each.

Chicks, all hens guaranteed. Rhode island reds, black sex links, black australorp, light Brahmas 5.00 each.

Donkeys, friendly, regular size not miniatures three females 300.00 each. Two adults one young one. take all three for 700.00

Peacocks, only have three or four adult females left, opals, cameo 150.00 two years old and laying eggs.

Young peacocks, 5 to 6 months old 100.00 each. lots of colors to choose from.

Guineas, half grown birds, white and pearls 15.00 each. Adult guineas 17.00 each.


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