Emu chicks, ducklings, ducks, geese, bunnies, chicks, peacocks, guineas, turkeys for sale in San Antonio
Emu chicks 75.00 each,
ducklings, many breeds 6.00 each.
geese many breeds 13.00 each.
chicks, white faced black Spanish, beautiful chickens 5.00 each.
chicks, buff orpington, black sexlinks, standard cochins, ameracaunas, new Hampshire reds, and more 3.50 each.
barnyard mix chicks, buff orpington, naked necks, barred rocks in a straight run 2.00 each.
peacocks, we still have a few of the 85.00 seven month old birds left.
feed, wheat 10.00 for a fifty pound bag
baby turkeys (white) 9.00 only have a few so call ahead.