Ducks, turkeys, chicks, laying hens, quail, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Laying hens coming in this Friday, will be the reds, will be about 20 weeks of age, we have not had reds for most of the summer, asking 16.00 each. We still have about 10 or so ameracaunas left as well.

baby chicks, barn yard mix straight run 2.00 each

baby chicks guaranteed hens, silver laced wyandottes, and buff orpington 5.00 each.

baby turkeys many breeds, blue slates, red bourbons, blacks 12.00 each.

baby Peking ducks 7.00 for one week old 10.00 for a month old, adult ducks 22.00 each.

baby quail 1.00 each, we have A&M and Couturnix

guineas many colors 4 months old 16.00 each

We have lots of teenage chickens, in ameracaunas, barred rocks, gold sexlinks and more 10.00 each, these pullets are about 10 weeks or older.

finished the remodel on the first rabbit barn and starting the second one, we will have more used cages available 15.00 a hole, used nest boxes 5.00 to 10.00 and used feeders 2.00 to 3.00 each.

Organic honey from our own bees 8.00 for an 8oz bear.

fresh green hay, square bales coastal/bluestem  7.00 each.

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