Ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, parakeets for sale in San Antonio
Chicks all hens, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington, gold sexlinks, barred rocks, 2 weeks old 4.00 each.
Laying hens red stars great layers sixteen to twenty weeks of age 16.00 each.
baby turkeys different ages starting at 12.00 each. nothing under one month old.
quail adults 5.00 each. just started laying eggs.
baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.
come check out our Sebastopol geese.
guineas (adults) 16.00 each.
call ducks 35.00 a pair, still have a few left
parakeets many beautiful colors, bright yellow, green, aqua, 10.00 each.
barnyard mix chicks 2.00 each, while they last