Ducks, chicks, laying hens, quail, turkeys, peacocks for Sale in San Antonio
Chicks coming in this week all hens, Dominiques, black Jersey giants, and buff orpingtons 3.50 each.
we still have a few silkies left 4.50 each.
black sexlink, production red chicks about 3 to 4 weeks old 4.50 each.
ducklings, peking, blue Swedish, black Swedish, muscoveys 6.00 each.
laying hens 16.00 each.
we have a few young peacocks left about 5 months of age 75.00 each, I have one blue left and a few whites.
quail, we have tons, two week old 1.00, day old .75
turkey chicks, Holland white, black, red bourbon 10.00 each.
I have a few cuckoo maran chicks left about three weeks old 5.00 each.