Chicks, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, pheasants, geese, ducks, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio
Baby chicks in this week, Polish top hats, Delaware, silver laced wyandottes, black australorp 4.00 each.
Older chicks 3 weeks old, all hens, buff orpington, barred rocks 5.00 each.
Chicks, 6 weeks old, barred rocks, buff orpington 6.00 each all hens.
Turkey chicks many breeds, blue, black, royal palm and more 13.00 each, royal palm 3 weeks old 14.00 each.
Ring neck pheasants adults, pair 70.00 each. Trio 100.00
Peacocks and peahens many colors, opal, white, pied, spaulding, cameo, purple 150.00 each all are over one year old
Young geese, brown African about 10 weeks old 20.00 each.
Baby ducklings, mallards, muscovey, black Swedish, about 4 weeks old 7.00 each.
Bunnies, lionheads, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops 40.00 each.
Laying hens, gold sexlinks about 20 weeks old, some have already started laying eggs 16.00 each.
I have two dorper sheep one black and white and one solid black about 6 months old both males 150.00 each.
Guinea keets, 4 week old 6.00 each. one week old 5.00 each, we only have a limited amount of these so call ahead to make sure we still have some.