Chicks, laying hens, quail, geese, ducks, peacocks, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, Rhoad island reds, white rocks, black australorps 16.00 each. Eggs 3.00 a doz.

Chicks in this week, black australorps, buff orpingtons, black sexlinks, barred rocks all hens starting 3.50 each.

Polish top hats all colors 3.50 each.

guineas keets, white and pied 5.00 each.

Turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each.

White turkeys to raise for Thanksgiving 6.00 each, while they last.

baby quail 1.00 each.

Peacocks over one year old males and females, white, opal, blue, pieds 150.00 each. peacock feathers 1.00 each.

geese 13.00 each

ducklings 6.50 each.

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