Chicks, laying hens, ducks, peacocks, emu, donkeys for sale in San Antonio


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Laying hens, Red sexlinks five months old 17.00 each.

Chicks, all hens two weeks old, Rhode island reds, barred rocks, ameracaunas, new Hamshire reds 5.00 each.

Chicks, black australorp 6 weeks old all hens, 6.00 each.

Ducklings, mallards, Peking, khaki Campbell 7.00 each.

Ducks, adults, Rouen, Peking, Swedish 20.00 each.

I have two standard female donkeys left one is about a year and a half the other is about 6 months asking 300.00 each.

Emu, about one-year-old males and females 400.00 each.

Peacocks, 5-month-old many colors to choose from 85.00 each, one-year-old female blues 100.00 each.


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