Chicks, laying hens, ducks, geese, peacocks, pheasants, chuckers, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Chicks, two weeks old, dark brahmas, black sexlinks, buff orpington, all females 5.00 each.

Chicks, one week old, ameracaunas, buff orpington, barred rocks 5.00 each.

Chicks, Japanese silkies, assorted colors 5.00 each.

Laying hens, barred rocks, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks 5 months old some are laying 17.00 each.

Ducklings, fawn and white straight runners, buff ducks 7.00 each

Baby geese, white Chinese, saddleback, brown African and more 13.00 each.

Chinese ringneck pheasants 20.00 each only have about 20 left.

Chuckers, adults 12.00 each call ahead for availability

Quail, corturnix chicks 1.00 each, three week old 2.50 adults 5.00 each.

Young peacocks, males and females many colors, pieds, purple, spaulding, bronze, white eyed blue and more females 110.00 males 100.00

Bunnies, lionhead, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops 40.00 each.

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