Chicks, laying hens, ducklings, peacocks, quail, bunnies, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio

Baby chicks in this week, ameracaunas, buff orpington, light brahmas all hens all 5.00 each. if you get lucky enough to get a rooster bring it back we will swap it out.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks, 17.00 each five months old and have already started laying eggs.

Ducklings, 1 to 3 week old muscoveys 7.00 each. older ducklings range from 10.00 to 15.00 depending on size, adult ducks 20.00 each.

Georgia jumbo quail chicks two weeks old 1.50 each can discount for volume sales

Peacocks many colors to choose from all are about 2 years old 150.00 each.

Rolls of hay 4×5 bluestem/coastal mix 40.00 each.

Honey from our own bees 6.00 a 12oz bear or 11.00 for two.

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