Chicks, guineas, laying hens, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Chicks coming in this week, wyandottes, buff orpingtons, barred rocks, Madagascar games,  Rhoad island whites, starting at 3.50 each.

geese many breeds 13.00 each.

ducklings many breeds starting at 6.50 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each on up depending on age.

guineas in lavender, white, pied, and French 5.50 each.

Turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each depending on age.

Peacocks still have a few left in white, pied, cameo, opals 150.00 each either male or female. Pea chicks 25.00 each. call  for availability.

The speckled Sussex came in but did not get as many as was ordered 4.00 each.

Just got in another three pot belly piglets two black and white and one solid black 125.00 each

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