Chicks, ducks, laying hens, geese, peacocks, bunnies for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6
Chicks in this week, Olive Eggers, Easter eggers, black australorp, gold sex links, all females all 5.00 each.
Chicks, standard Cochins, cuckoo Marans
Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 each. straight run
Ducklings, khaki Campbell, magpies, Peking, Swedish 8.00 each.
Baby Geese, Brown Africans, White Chinese 15.00 each.
Bunnies, many to choose from, lion heads, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops 50.00 each, cage special new cage, bag of feed and a bunny of your choice 125.00.
Laying hens, gold sex links, red sex links 5 months old some laying eggs already 20.00 each.
Peacocks, males and females 150.00 each, opal, Spaulding, blue and more.