Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, guineas, laying hens, bunnies, goats, sheep for sale in San Antonio
School is out and we are now open all day everyday.
Laying hens 16 to 20 weeks old 16.00
Chicks in this week, barred rocks, dark egg layers (wellsummer, barnvelders, cuckoo maran) Japanese silkies, blue andalusion, black Minorca, golden phoenix, production black 5.00 each.
barnyard mix chicks straight run 1.75 each.
chicks 6 weeks old 7.00 we have buff orpington, pullets 10 weeks old 10.00 each. we have gold sexlinks
Ducklings, muscoveys 8.00 and up
ducklings, khaki Campbell about 6 weeks old 10.00 each.
turkey chicks, heritage breeds 10.00 for one week old 15.00 for one month old
guinea keats 5.00 each.
baby geese, brown African, white Chinese, saddleback, buff 13.00 each. one baby goose sebastapol/sebastapol cross 30.00
baby Nigerian dwarf goats 125.00 each.
baby black Hawaiian sheep 125.00 each.
laying hens coming in on the 13th