Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, laying hens, eggs, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Laying hens, gold sexlinks sixteen to twenty weeks old 16.00 each.

chicks, straight run black Jersey giants 2.00 each, these chicks hatched 12-25

chicks, all hens, buff orpington, black australorp, production reds 5.00 each, can discount for volume sales

silkie chicks 5.00 each, we should get them in this thursday

baby geese 13.00 each many breeds to choose from

peacocks, just got in a new batch, young birds under one year old females 80.00 males 75.00, I do have two females two years old 100.00 each, long tailedĀ peacocks black shoulder opal and a bronze 200.00 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each adults 5.00 each, can offer discounts for volume sales on these as well

ducklings, muscovey, khaki Campbell, black Swedish, peking, magpie 7.00 each.


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