Chicks, ducks, geese, laying hens, peacocks, quail, turkeys, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Chicks in this week, naked necks, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpingtons, all hens all 5.00 each.

we still have some cuckoo marans, wellsummer, gold sexlinks, black sexlinks all hens all 5.00 each.

barnyard mix chicks 1.75 each this is in a straight run.

ducklings, mallards, khaki Campbell, peking and more 7.00 each.

baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

laying hens (pullets) white rocks, brown leghorn, buff orpington, black australorp, these hens are about 14 to 15 weeks old 16.00 each.

bunnies, lops, dwarfs and lionheads 40.00 each.

Black Hawaiian sheep, 3 months old males and females 125.00 each

Nigerian dwarf goats just weaned, males and females 125.00 each

Peacocks two year old males 150.00 each peahens one year old 150.00 each.

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