Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Chicks, ducks, geese, bunnies, quail, peacocks, turkeys, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Friday, April 7th, 2017

Baby chicks, straight run Black Jersey giants and Jersey /leghorn crosses 2.00 each. baby chicks, silkies, white faced black Spanish 5.00 each. baby chicks, black sexlinks, gold sexlinks, cornish all hens 3.50 each. ducklings 7.00 each many breeds to choose from, khaki campbell, muscovey, peking, Swedish baby geese, white Chinese, and brown Africans 13.00 each. […]

Chicks, turkeys, ducklings, geese, laying hens, guineas, quail, bunnies, peacocks, and sheep for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, March 29th, 2017

Chicks, Jersey giant and Jersey giant /leghorn cross straight run chicks 2.00 each while they last Chicks, black sexlinks, gold sexlinks, and dark cornish 3.50 each. Chicks, Japanese silkies, white faced black Spanish, dark aseel’s 5.00 each. baby geese, brown African, white Chinese 13.00 each. ducklings, khaki Campbell, Swedish, peking, muscovey, snowy mallards 7.00 each. Peacocks, […]

Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, turkeys, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

Baby chicks in this week, black faced white Spanish, and Japanese silkies 5.00 each. chicks, cuckoo maran, wellsummer all hens 5.00 each. chicks, white rocks, gold sexlinks, black sexlinks 3.50 each all hens chicks, black Jersey giants and Jersey /leghorn crosses 2.00 each. quail chicks 1.00 each. laying hens, Gold sexlinks, white leghorns 16.00 each. peacocks males […]

Chicks, ducklings, baby geese, laying hens, quail, peacocks, turkeys, sheep, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, March 15th, 2017

Its Spring break, we are open all day everyday this week through Sunday baby chicks in a straight run, black Jersey giants and Jersey giant/leghorn cross chicks 2.00 each. baby chicks dark egg layers, feathered leg cuckoo marans and wellsummers all hens 5.00 each. baby chicks guaranteed hens, gold sexlinks, black sexlinks, barred rocks, white […]

Bunnies, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, dwarf goats, sheep, turkeys, farm fresh eggs for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, March 9th, 2017

Baby bunnies, lionheads, Netherland dwarfs, and Holland lops 40.00 each. chicks in this week all hens, white rocks, barred rocks, black sexlinks and gold sexlinks 3.50 each. chicks in a straight run, black Jersey giants and Jersey giant/leghorn cross 2.00 each. quail chicks, 1.00 each Baby geese, brown African, Emden, white Chinese 13.00 each. Peacocks […]

Ducks, geese, quail, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, bunnies, peacocks, farm fresh eggs for sale in San Antonio

Friday, March 3rd, 2017

Ducklings, we have snowy mallards 8.00 each mallards, fawn and white straight runners, cayuga, khaki Campbell, Swedish, peking ducklings 7.00 each. chicks, we have a few wellsummer and cuckoo marans left all hens all about 3 to 4 weeks old 5.00 each. black jersey giant and jersey giant/leghorn crosses 2.00 each. baby geese, brown African, white Chinese, […]

Peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, chicks, laying hens, dwarf goats, black Hawaiian sheep, rabbits, bunnies, farm fresh eggs for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, February 23rd, 2017

Chicks in this week Ameracaunas, wellsummers all hens all 5.00 each. black Jersey giant and Jersey giant leghorn cross chicks straight run 2.00 each quail chicks 1.00 each. laying hens, gold sexlinks just started laying 16.00 each. baby geese, tufted Roman and white Chinese 13.00 each. ducklings, mallards, khaki Campbell, muscovey, fawn and white straight […]

Dwarf goats, sheep, chicks, ducks, geese, laying hens, eggs, peacocks, bunnies, quail, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, February 18th, 2017

I have one male Nigerian dwarf baby goat left brown, black and white 125.00 black Hawaiian sheep 3 months old or younger males 150.00 females 130.00 chicks, wellsummers and cuckoo maran all hens 5.00 each. chicks, black Jersey giant and Jersey/ leghorn crosses 2.00 each. chicks, production reds, barred rocks, black australorps, brown leghorns all hens […]

Guineas, ducks, geese, quail, chicks, laying hens, eggs, peacocks, sheep, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

Adult guineas some pieds, some pearls both males and females 18.00 each. Ducklings, khaki Campbell, Swedish, muscovey and more 7.00 each Chicks, straight run black Jersey giants, Jersey/leghorn crosses all 2.00 each Chicks, Cuckoo marans, wellsummers all hens 5.00 each. Chicks, production reds, black australorps, barred rocks, brown leghorns, 3 weeks old 4.00 each 5 […]

Bunnies, geese, ducks, quail, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, farm fresh eggs, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Baby bunnies, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops, lionheads, Dutch,  40.00 each, ask about the cage special, new cage, water bottle, food bowl, bag of feed, Timothy hay, toy, salt lick and the bunny of your choice 105.00 Baby geese, tufted Romans, white Chinese 13.00 each. baby ducklings, khaki Campbell, black Swedish, and more 7.00 each. baby […]