Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, laying hens, chicks, emu’s, sheep, goats, bunnies, and honey for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

Chicks in this week, buff orpington and cuckoo marans all hens 5.00 each. we have a few silkies left 4.00 each while they last. baby ducks, many breeds 7.00 each. baby geese one month old 15.00 each. baby turkeys about 6 weeks old 13.00 each. I have two baby Nigerian dwarf goats very friendly 115.00 […]

Emu’s, ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks, turkeys, peacocks, guineas, Nigerian dwarf goats, sheep, bunnies, quail for sale in San Antonio

Friday, January 19th, 2018

Laying hens, red sexlinks just about to start laying eggs 16.00 each. Laying hens, buff orpington, golden laced wyandottes, we only have a few of these left 16.00 each. Baby chicks, barred rocks, ameracauna all hens all 4.00 each. Baby chicks Japanese silkies many colors to choose from 5.00 Baby ducks, many breeds, Peking, khaki […]

Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, sheep, goats, pot belly pigs, emu’s for sale in San Antonio

Friday, January 12th, 2018

Laying hens, Red sexlinks, we have a new shipment coming in tomorrow Saturday at around 11:00, 16.00 each while they last. Baby Nigerian dwarf goats we have two males left 115.00 each. Peacocks, young birds 100.00 each, adult mature birds 150.00 for long tails and 200.00 for peahens baby ducks, many breeds 7.00 each baby […]

Geese, ducks, chicks, peacocks, quail, turkeys, guineas, laying hens, emus, sheep, goats, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, January 4th, 2018

Time to get the backyard chickens going spring is coming. Baby chicks in this week, black australorp, barred rocks, ameracaunas, all hens all 4.00 each. Baby chicks three weeks old, production reds, Rhode island reds 6.00 each. Baby ducklings, khaki Campbell, black Swedish, and many more breeds 7.00 each. Baby geese (goslings) white Chinese, brown […]

Laying hens, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, chicks, guineas, sheep, goats, miniture cattle, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, December 27th, 2017

Dexter dwarf cattle, only have one bull left 625.00 he is about 7 months old Zebu dwarf cattle, bulls and heifers 625.00 each they are about 6 to 7 months old Laying hens, red sexlinks 16.00 each, we have a limited supply of these left so come and get em. Chicks all hens, New Hampshire […]

Bunnies, chicks, ducklings, quail, peacocks, geese,laying hens, sheep, goats, honey for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, December 21st, 2017

Baby chicks in today, all hens, black australorp, productions reds, new Hampshire reds 4.00 each. Baby ducklings, khaki Campbell, black Swedish 7.00 each. Baby quail 1.00 each. adults 5.00 each. Peacocks, long tail males 150.00 three year old females 200.00 OBO Bunnies, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, Lionheads 40.00 each, we do have a cage special […]

Laying hens, quail, ducks, geese, chicks, peacocks, bunnies, goats, Dexter cattle, guineas, honey for sale in San Antonio

Friday, December 15th, 2017

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, some have begun to lay eggs 16.00 each. 6 week old chicks, Ameracaunas, barred rocks, buff orpington all hens all 7.00 each. Peacocks, long tail males 150.00 Pied long tail purple male 200.00 peahens, young peacocks 5 to 6 months old 75.00 each. Dexter bull calf 7 months old 700.00 obo […]

Bunnies, Peacocks just in time for Christmas, for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

Don’t wait till the last minute to get your bunnies for Christmas, we have Netherland Dwarf’s, Holland lops, and Lionhead bunnies ready to go now, we have a cage special that includes new cage, water bottle, food bowl, bag of feed, toy, salt lick, bag of Timothy hay, bedding and a bunny of your choice […]

Turkeys, quail, guineas, ducks, geese, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, emu’s, sheep, bunnies, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

Laying hens, gold sexlinks 16.00 each, some have already started laying eggs. Chicks, Delaware, Ameracauna, buff orpington, barred rocks, all hens starting at 5.00 each, these chicks range in age from 3 to 6 weeks old. Baby ducks, black Swedish, Khaki Campbell 7.00 each. Guinea keets about 6 weeks old 7.00 each. Peacocks, young birds […]

Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, guineas, peacocks, quail, turkeys, geese, sheep, eggs, honey, hay for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, November 8th, 2017

In this week We just got in a new shipment of gold sexlink hens, some have already started laying eggs, 16.00 each. Buff Brahmas pullets about 8 weeks old 10.00 each. Chicks, all about 4 weeks old, black australorp, barred rocks, ameracaunas 5.00 each. Chicks one week old, Delawares 4.00 each all hens Guinea keets […]