Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, bunnies, bantams, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks about 20 weeks old 16.00 each. Laying hens, barred rocks, cream legbars, about 1 year old 16.00 each. Chicks in this week all hens all 4.00 each. Barnvelders, Cuckoo Marans, Ameracaunas Older chicks, 7 to 8 week old, Delawares, black australorp 7.00 each. Bantams, silver duckwings hens 16.00 roos 12.00 each. […]

Ducks, geese, pheasants, quail, chicks, laying hens, miniature dexter bull, zebu bull and heifer, hay for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 21st, 2018

Baby chicks in this week, gold laced wyandottes, barred rocks, ameracaunas all hens all 4.00 each. Chicks about 4 to 6 weeks old, no longer need a heat lamp, Delawares, buff orpington, barred rocks, black Australorp all hens all 6.00 to 7.00 each depending on age. Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks just about to lay […]

Laying hens, ducks, quail, pheasants, peacocks, chicks, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

Red sexlink laying hens, some are already laying eggs 16.00 each. 3 to 4 week old chicks, Delawares, barred rocks, golden laced wyandottes, silver wyandottes, guaranteed females 6.00 each. 6 week old chicks, buff orpington, white leghorn and barred rocks 7.00 guaranteed females Baby quail, courtinix 1.00 each. Baby ducks, peking and mallards, buff, blue and black […]

Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, bunnies, pheasants, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Barnyard chicks, Black Jersey giants, California whites 1.50 each. Chicks, Delawares, barred rocks, white leghorn, buff orpington, polish tophats 4.00 each. Chicks, 4 to 5 weeks old barred rocks, buff orpington 6.00 each. Laying hens, gold sexlinks already laying 16.00 each. Bunnies, get them now, the summer heat is coming and there will be no more bunnies […]

Chicks, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, pheasants, geese, ducks, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Baby chicks in this week, Polish top hats, Delaware, silver laced wyandottes, black australorp 4.00 each. Older chicks 3 weeks old, all hens, buff orpington, barred rocks 5.00 each. Chicks, 6 weeks old, barred rocks, buff orpington 6.00 each all hens. Turkey chicks many breeds, blue, black, royal palm and more 13.00 each, royal palm 3 weeks […]

Ducks, geese, pheasants, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, guineas, miniature cattle, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Friday, May 11th, 2018

Baby ducks, muscoveys, mallards, Swedish 5.00 each. three weeks old 7.00 adults 20.00 Baby geese, one month old 15.00 each. Brown Africans Ring neck pheasants, 70.00 a pair 100.00 a trio Laying hens, gold sexlinks, some have already begun laying eggs 16.00 each. Baby chicks, all hens two weeks old, buff orpington, barred rocks, white […]

Pot belly pigs, pheasants, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks, bunnies, sheep, miniature cattle for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Baby pot belly pigs, black and white, we have a male and a female, they are about 5 to 6 weeks old (these are the mini’s) Adult pheasants, red golden males 80.00 each, golden males 80.00 each, ring neck pheasants 70.00 for a pair and 100.00 for a trio Baby geese, brown African 13.00 each. […]

Chicks, pheasants, ducks, geese, peacocks, laying hens, bunnies, sheep, goats for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, April 26th, 2018

Chicks: Japanese silkies many colors 4.00 each. Barnvelders, wellsummer, production reds 4.00 each. Blue partridge brahma, blue laced red wyandottes about 3 weeks old 10.00 each. while they last Barnyard mix, Jersey giants and California whites 2.00 each. Ducks: Blue Swedish, black Swedish, mallards, muscovey ducklings 5.00 each. Geese: Saddleback, and brown African 13.00 each. Pheasants: […]

Sheep, goats, ducks, geese, pheasants, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, bunnies, pot belly pigs for sale in San Antonio

Friday, April 20th, 2018

Baby chicks about 3 weeks old Blue partridge brahmas 10.00 each. Baby chicks about 3 weeks old Blue laced red wyandottes 10.00 each. Baby ducklings, muscovey, blue Swedish, black Swedish 5.00 each. Baby geese, brown African, 13.00 each. Pheasants adult pairs 70.00 Chinese ring necks, Red golden males 80.00 each. Golden males 80.00 each. Peacocks, many […]

Ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, pheasants, peacocks, turkeys, sheep, goats, Dexter cattle for sale in San Antonio

Friday, April 13th, 2018

Baby ducks, mallards 5.00 each. Baby chicks, golden sexlinks, barred rocks, all hens all 4.00 each. Chinese ring neck pheasants 70.00 a pair or 100.00 a trio Laying hens, gold sexlinks, we just got in a new shipment 16.00 each, very close to laying Baby geese, 13.00 each, we have brown African and white Chinese