Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Guineas, ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018

Adult guineas, males and females, pieds and pearls 18.00 each. we have 19 left. Laying hens, black sex links 17.00 each, we have about 15 left. Chicks in this week, ameracaunas, gold and silver wyandottes, light brahmas 5.00 each all guaranteed females. Older chicks 8 weeks old white rocks 10.00 each. Older chicks 6 weeks old, […]

Laying hens, chicks, geese, ducks, peacocks, Ibex, sheep, for sale in San Antonio

Friday, October 26th, 2018

Laying hens, currently we have black sexlinks, gold sexlinks, black australorp and more 16.00 each. 6 to 8 week old Wyandottes and light brahmas 8.00 each. 5 week old blue laced wyandottes and white rocks 6.00 each. 3 week old americaunas, buff orpington, light and dark brahmas, and barred rocks 5.00 each. I have one female […]

Baby pot belly pigs, chicks, geese, ducks, peacocks, Ibex, laying hens for sale in San Antonio

Sunday, October 14th, 2018

Baby pot belly pigs, we have three left males and females, black with white patches 125.00 Baby chicks, Brahmas, buff orpington, wyandottes, and ameracaunas all hens all 4.00 each. Chicks, about 3 to 4 weeks old, blue wyandottes, and white rocks 5.00 each. Chicks about 7 weeks old light Brahmas and silver laced wyandottes 8.00 each. […]

Mini pot belly pigs, laying hens, ducks, geese, quail, chicks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

Mini pot belly pigs, black and white both male and female 125.00 each, these piggys are going to be small. Laying hens, gold sexlinks about 20 weeks old 16.00 each. Chicks, light brahmas, ameracaunas, wyandottes about 3 to 4 weeks old, no need for a heat lamp 5.00 each. Chicks, white rocks, blue wyandottes about 1 week […]

Juliana mini pigs, Ibex, turkeys, guineas, ducklings, laying hens, chicks for sale in San Antonio

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

We have four miniature Juliana piglets 100.00 each. I have one male Ibex left he is about 5 months old 300.00 OBO Turkeys, many breeds from one week to 3 month old asking 13.00 to 20.00 depending on age. just got in a new batch of 20 week old gold sexlinks, should be laying anyday now 16.00 […]

Guineas, Ibex, turkeys, pullets, baby geese, ducklings for sale in San Antonio

Friday, August 31st, 2018

Got in a early batch of baby geese many breeds 13.00 each. I have one Ibex male left he is about 4 to 5 months old asking 300.00 Guineas, about 10 weeks old many colors 10.00 each. Young turkeys 15.00 and 20.00 depending on size, we have red bourbon, blue slate, black Spanish and royal […]

Ducklings, laying hens, turkeys, guineas, Ibex, chicks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

Just got in a few different breeds of laying hens, naked necks, buff orpington, Rhoad island reds, almost 5 months old 16.00 each, we only have a few of each. baby ducklings, mallards, peking, cayuga, black Swedish, magpies 7.00 each. Guinea keets about 6 to 8 weeks old 10.00 each many colors to choose from […]

Laying hens, ducks, chicks, geese, pheasants, quail, turkeys, guineas, Zebu cattle, Ibex for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Just got in today a new batch of red sexlinks and gold sexlinks just about ready to start laying eggs 16.00 each. Chicks, Barnvelders, Ameracaunas, Cuckoo marans about 4 weeks old 5.00 each, guaranteed hens 5.00 each. Chicks, golden laced wyandottes about 6 weeks old all hens 6.00 each. pullets, Delawares and black Australorps about 8 […]

Pot belly pigs, ducks, geese, peacocks, quail, chicks, laying hens, Ibex, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, July 26th, 2018

Ibex (Steinbock) I have two pairs left. 300.00 each or 575.00 for the pair Pot belly pigs, these are supposed to be mini pot bellys they are both white and females 125.00 each. Peacocks, I have many colors to choose from males and females Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks 16.00 each. Chicks, barnvelders, cuckoo marans, […]

Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, guineas, peacocks, bunnies, Ibex, Aoudad, mini pot belly pigs for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

Baby chicks, all hens, cuckoo marans, barnvelders, and ameracaunas 4.00 each. Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks 16.00 each Guineas, about 4 weeks old 6.00 each many colors to choose from Peacocks, many colors to choose from 150.00 each, we have males and females available they are about 14 months old Quail, adults 5.00 each, we only […]