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Laying hens, chicks, guineas, peacocks, quail, ducks, Nigerian dwarf goats for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, August 22nd, 2020

8/22/20 Hours of operation 10-6 Laying hens, red sexlinks 17.00 each these birds are four and a half to five months old. Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 each. Chicks, about 4 weeks old, buff orpington, cuckoo marans 6.00 each these chicks are guaranteed females. Peacocks, only have females at this time, silver pieds, cameo, opals 150.00 […]

Chicks, ducks, peacocks, quail, laying hens, guineas, sheep, honey for sale in San Antonio

Friday, August 14th, 2020

8/14/20 Hours of operation 10-6 everyday Laying hens, red sexlinks 5 months old just about ready to lay eggs 17.00 each. Chicks, Japanese silkies many colors to choose from 5.00 each. Chicks, cuckoo marans, buff orpington, barnvelders, ameracaunas 5.00 each, these chicks are guaranteed females. Quail chicks, two weeks old 1.50 each. Guinea keets, 6.00 […]

Laying hens, turkeys, quail, peacocks, chicks, ducks, sheep, honey for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

8/6/20 Hours of operation 10-6 everyday Laying hens, red sexlinks about 5 months old 17.00 each. Chicks, light brahma, ameracaunas, buff orpington, barnvelders, cuckoo marans all females 5.50 each. Baby ducks, muscoveys 7.00 each. Adult ducks 20.00 each. Baby turkeys, Rios, red bourbon, black Spanish 13.00 each. Quail chicks, corturnix 1.00 each. Quail chicks button […]

Guineas, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, peacocks, laying hens, chicks, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, July 30th, 2020

7/30/20 Our hours of operations 10 to 6 everyday. Guineas, 6 weeks old 7.00 each. Ducks, muscoveys, peking, khaki campbell ducklings 7.00 to 10.00 depending on age, adult ducks 20.00 each. Baby geese, brown African, white Chinese 14.00 each. Quail, chicks 1.00 each adults 5.00 each. all we have are corturnix Laying hens, red sexlinks […]

Guineas, ducks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, quail, peacocks, geese, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020

7/23/20 Guinea  keets about 4 to 5 weeks old 7.00 each. Lavender, pieds and pearls Baby ducks, black Swedish, Peking, khaki Campbell 7.00 each for one week old 8.00 each for three week old and 20.00 for adults Barnyard chicks, straight run 2.00 each. Chicks, about 5 to 6 weeks old 7.00 each, guaranteed females […]

Ducks, chicks, laying hens, quail, guineas, peacocks, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

7/13/20 Barn yard mix chicks, one week old 2.00, 4 weeks old 3.00 each. Chicks, black australorp, production reds, black sexlinks, 4 weeks old guaranteed females 6.00 each. Laying hens, 16 to 20 weeks old red sexlinks 17.00 each. Bantam pair mille fleur 40.00 Guinea chicks one week old, 6.00 each. three to four week […]

Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, turkeys, bunnies, donkey, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio

Friday, June 19th, 2020

6/19/20 Hours of operation 10-6 every day Chicks, all hens all 5.00 Ameracaunas, black australorp, Rhode island reds, barred rocks. Japanese silkies many colors at 5.00 each. Barnyard mix chicks, straight run could be hens could be roosters 2.00 each, can discount for volume sales. Laying hens, red sex links about 4 and 1/2 months […]

Turkeys, guineas, ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, sheep, donkeys for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 11th, 2020

6/11/20 Hours of operation 10:00 am to 6:00 pm every day Baby turkeys, 14.00 each, standard bronze, blue slate, red bourbon, white holland, black Spanish Baby geese, brown African, white Chinese 14.00 each. Baby ducklings, Peking, mallard, khaki Campbell, buff, Swedish 7.00 each. Chicks, Ameracauna, black australorp 5.50 each. Laying hens, red sex links 17.00 […]

Laying hens, chicks, peacocks, ducks for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, May 30th, 2020

6/3/20 Our hours of operation is 10 to 6 everyday Laying hens, red sexlinks 17.00 each. Chicks, guaranteed females, Rhode island reds, barred rocks and red sexlinks 5.00 each. Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 straight run, naked necks, marans, ameracaunas  and more Ducklings, Swedish, peking 7.00 each. Baby geese many breeds this is the last shipment […]

Laying hens, ducklings, chicks, quail, peacocks, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

5/20/20 Laying hens, red sexlinks close to laying eggs 17.00 each. Barnyard mix chicks, straight run 3.00 each. Chicks, guaranteed females, barred rocks, red sexlink, Rhode island reds 5.00 each. Ducklings, khaki Campbell, magpies, peking, Swedish, mallards 7.00 each. Peacocks, many colors to choose from two year old birds 150.00 each. Turkey chicks, black Spanish, […]