Bunnies/rabbits, chicks, ducks, geese, peacocks, laying hens for sale in San Antonio


Hours of operation 10-6 daily

Bunnies/rabbits, we have Holland lops, lion heads, and Netherland dwarfs 50.00 each, get them before the Easter rush. Cage special new cage, a bag of food, and a bunny of your choice 125.00

Peacocks, peahens 155.00 each we have a good selection as of right now, many colors, bronze, opal, silver pieds, spaulding, blue, cameo.

Peacocks, purple, white, blue pieds 175.00 each.

Baby geese, white Chinese 15.00 each.

Baby ducks, mallards, Swedish, straight runners, Peking 8.00

Chicks, gold sex links, cuckoo Marans 5.00 each. we also have a few Wyandottes all hens guaranteed.

Chicks, Black Minorca 5.00 each, Olive Egger, Easter egger, Japanese silkies 6.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sex links, red sex links 20.00 each. these birds are about 5 months old and some are laying.

Laying hens, one-year-old, not the prettiest birds but they are laying lots of large eggs, 12.00 each.


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