Bunnies, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, chicks, peacocks, sheep, guineas for sale in San Antonio
Our internet has been down so I have not been able to post what we have this week
Chicks, all hens, ameracaunas, black australorps, golden phoenix, buff orpington, starting at 5.00 and up depending on age, most are about three weeks old
guineas, we only have a few left so if you were wanting guineas now would be a good time.
ducklings, fawn and white straight runners, black Swedish and blue Swedish
baby geese, white Chinese, brown African, American buff and more 13.00 each.
turkeys, Rio’s, blue slate, and more 12.00 each, these turkeys are also about three weeks old
laying hens, naked necks, white rock, ameracaunas, and red sexlinks 16.00 each. these hens are about 15 to 20 weeks old.