Bunnies, ducklings, ducks, geese, peacocks, laying hens, chicks, hay, honey for sale in San Antonio


Hours of operation 10-6 Daily

Lionhead bunnies 50.00 each, we only have 5 left

Laying hens, gold sex links 18.00 Red sex links 20.00 each.

Laying hens, ameracauna, silver laced wyandottes, wellsummer and blue australorp, blue French copper marans, buff Orpington, 20.00


Chicks, all hens all 5.00 each. Barred rocks, Rhode island reds.

Barnyard mix chicks, 2.00 each, these will be a straight run

Ducklings, Swedish, khaki Campbell, Peking, 8.00 each. three week old ducklings 10.00 each. Adult ducks 25.00 each.

Peacocks, male and females, blue, spaulding, opal, cameo, bronze all 150.00 each.

4 x 5 rolls of hay blue stem/coastal mix no stickers or mesquite or sunflower 50.00 each.

Honey bears 4.00 each.

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