Bunnies, chicks, geese, turkeys, peacocks, ducks for sale in San Antonio
Hours of operation 10-6 seven days a week
Bunnies, we have lion head, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops 50.00 each, we also have a cage special, new cage, bag of food and a bunny of your choice 125.00
Baby geese, White Chinese, and Brown African 15.00 each.
Barnyard mix chicks, straight run 1.50 each.
Adult double-breasted white turkeys 40.00 each.
Baby ducks, mallards, Peking, Swedish 8.00 each. six to eight weeks old 10.00 and adults 25.00 each.
Peacocks, only have a few left, opal, Spaulding and blue 150.00 each.
Laying hens, gold and red sex links 20.00 each. We also have a couple of buff oprington, barred rocks, as well.