Bunnies, chicks, ducklings, quail, peacocks, geese,laying hens, sheep, goats, honey for sale in San Antonio
Baby chicks in today, all hens, black australorp, productions reds, new Hampshire reds 4.00 each.
Baby ducklings, khaki Campbell, black Swedish 7.00 each.
Baby quail 1.00 each. adults 5.00 each.
Peacocks, long tail males 150.00 three year old females 200.00 OBO
Bunnies, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, Lionheads 40.00 each, we do have a cage special new cage and water bottle, food bowl, bag of feed, toys, salt lick, bedding, Timothy hay and a bunny of your choice 105.00, we only have a few left so if your wanting to get someone a bunny for Christmas now is the time.
Laying hens 16.00 each
Young pullets, about 8 weeks old not need for heat lamp, Ameracaunas, barred rocks, 7.00 each. all hens.