Chicks, guineas, turkeys, pheasants, quail, ducks, peacocks, laying hens for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, June 17th, 2014

Did not order any chicks this week, still have plenty from the last couple of weeks, we have wyandottes, red sexlinks, brown sexlinks, partridge rocks, ameracaunas, black sexlinks, barred rocks, rhoad island reds, all hens all starting at 3.50 each.

I have a few guineas left about 3 to 4 weeks of age, I have white and French 6.00 each

Geese I did get in this week, many breeds 13.00 each.

laying hens, Rhoad island reds, gold sexlinks, buff minorcas, white rocks 16.00 each.

I have one Barnvelder and one cuckoo maran hen left 20.00 each.

Turkey chicks many breeds starting at 10.00 each, up to 13.00 for one month olds.

pheasant chicks, ring necks 5.00 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each.

Fresh eggs 3.00 a doz.

peacocks, male or female all colors 150.00 each.



Chicks, pheasants, quail, ducks, geese, turkeys, peacocks, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

We have plenty of chicks available many breeds all hens 3.50 each. brown sexlinks, red sexlinks, black sexlinks, partridge rocks, wyandottes, ameracaunas, barred rocks

laying hens, gold sexlinks, Rhoad island reds, black sexlinks, white rocks, buff minorcas, most are already laying eggs 16.00 each.

Chicken eggs 3.00 a dozen.

baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

ducklings many breeds 6.50 each.

baby quail 1.00 each.

baby pheasants 5.00 each.

turkeys many breeds 10.00 each, 13.00 for one month old

guineas 3 week old keets 6.00 each.

peacocks many colors male or females 150.00 each.

pot belly pigs black and white and all black 125.00 each.

will be open all day Sunday the 15th

Chicks, guineas, laying hens, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Chicks coming in this week, wyandottes, buff orpingtons, barred rocks, Madagascar games,  Rhoad island whites, starting at 3.50 each.

geese many breeds 13.00 each.

ducklings many breeds starting at 6.50 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each on up depending on age.

guineas in lavender, white, pied, and French 5.50 each.

Turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each depending on age.

Peacocks still have a few left in white, pied, cameo, opals 150.00 each either male or female. Pea chicks 25.00 each. call  for availability.

The speckled Sussex came in but did not get as many as was ordered 4.00 each.

Just got in another three pot belly piglets two black and white and one solid black 125.00 each

Ducks, guineas, geese, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, quail, pheasants for sale in San Antonio

Monday, May 26th, 2014

Chicks coming in this week, speckled Sussex chicks, these have been ordered for some time so get them while you can. Japanese bantams chicks.

Geese many breeds, the season is winding down on geese so we might not have many for long so if you have been thinking of getting a goose the time may be now. 13.00 each.

Quail adults 5.00 each.

Got an order of peking ducks in 6.50 each.

Peacocks, still have many colors to choose from opal, white, cameo, pieds all 150.00 each.

Chicks, laying hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

Peacocks many colors, white, purple, opal, pieds, India blue, bronze, males and females 150.00 each all are about one year old.

Geese, many breeds 13.00 each. (babies)

ducklings many breeds 6.50 each.

Turkey chicks 10.00 each.

coming in this week, Belgium quail bantams chicks, 4.00 each.

Frizzle bantams 3.50 each, many colors.

Still have in chicks, Ameracaunas, black new Jersey giants, Rhoad island reds, black sexlinks, New Hampshire reds all hens all 3.50 each.

Quail breeders about 8 weeks old already laying eggs 5.00 each.

Please bring a pet carrier or box if you have one, if not we can provide.

Peacocks, geese, ducks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, May 14th, 2014

Peacocks many colors, purple, white, pied, black shoulder, bronze,  male and females all 150.00 each.

Chicks, black Jersey giant, golden laced wyadottes, black sexlinks, Rhoad island reds, New Hampshire reds, ameracaunas all hens all 3.50 each.

barnyard mix chicks straight run 2.50 each.

bantams many breeds all pure breeds 2.50 each while they last.

Turkey chicks many breeds 10.00 each.

Baby geese 13.00 ea.

baby ducks 6.50 each.

I have one baby pot belly pig left, solid black male 125.00

Chicks, geese, ducklings, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Monday, May 5th, 2014


Chicks, Ameracaunas, golden laced wyandottes, black sexlinks, Rhoad island reds all hens all 3.50 each.

geese, many breeds to choose from 13.00 each.

Ducklings many breeds 6.50

Turkeys many breeds 10.00 each.

Only have a few peacocks left in white, one black shoulder female, and one white eyed blue male all 150.00 each.

Micro mini pot belly pigs two females one male just started eating on there own 125.00 each

Come by and see the chick that hatched with four drum sticks, seems to be doing fine so far hatched yesterday, Col. Sanders would love this bird. has two regular feet and two other feet facing the opposite way.

Ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

In today

Chicks, baby silkies all colors 5.00 each.

Chicks, barred rocks, Rhoad island reds, 3.50 each all hens

Blue cochin and blue Wyandottes 5.00 each.  Arrived today a surprise order of dark egg layers, cuckoo maran, barnvelders, and wellsummer all hens 4.00 each volume discount on these we have about 200

Guineas 5.00 each.

Turkey chicks 10.00 each.

Laying hens 16.00 each already started laying eggs

Peacocks all colors 150.00 each.

Ducklings many breeds 6.50 each

Geese many breeds 13.00  each.

Will be open all day Friday the 25th

Chicks, ducklings, ducks, geese, guineas, laying hens, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Chicks in this week, arrived today Rhoad island reds, white rocks, black Jersey giants, all hens 3.50 each.

Finally coming in tomorrow guineas all French 5.00 each. only getting in 100 so come get them early.

ducklings many breeds 6.50 each.

baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

should be in this week giant blue cochins and blue wyondottes 5.00 each. only getting in a few of each.

Peacocks, only a few left of the whites, pied, and black shoulders 150.00 each.

Chicks, geese, laying hens, ducklings, ducks, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014

Chicks in this week, just came in today, black sexlinks, gold sexlinks, new Hampshire reds, and black australorps all hens 3.50 each.

Baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

Laying hens Rhoad island reds 16.00 each.

Peacocks, pied, India blue, white, black shoulder, bronze, purple, 150.00 each.

Ducklings many breeds 6.50 each.

Still have a few dark egg layer chicks, cuckoo maran, and wellsummer 4.50 each.

No Guineas this week bad hatch at the hatcheries, will post when I have a new shipment date.