Laying hens, chicks, quail, ducks, geese, guineas, turkeys, peacocks, eggs, for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

Chicks in this week white leghorns, ameracaunas, Rhoad island reds, bantams, cochins, all hens all start at 3.50 each, will discount for quantity buys.

Guineas keets, one week old 5.00 three week old 6.00 older 7.00 each. I have white, pied and lavenders.

Peacock chicks right now I have three, daddy is a bronze and mama is India blue 30.00 each.

laying hens 16.00 we are getting tons of eggs right now off of these birds.

quail (bobwhite) chicks 1.00 each, these are the Wisconsin jumbos.

Its time to get the backyard chickens going and start getting your own eggs.

Will be open all three days on the Labor day weekend.

Today Thursday the 28th through Monday the 1st, all week old chicks 3.00 each, we just got in another order of chicks and we need to make room, all are hens, many breeds to choose from Leghorns, Rhoad island reds, ameracaunas.

Just got in: Delawares, brahmas, gold sexlinks, black Jersey giants, tophats, Salmon Favarolles, all hens all 6 weeks old 7.00 each.

Laying hens, ducks, chicks, quail, turkeys, geese, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014

Baby chicks in this week, ameracaunas, Rhoad island reds, bantams,

ameracaunas and Rhoad island reds all hens 3.50 each, will discount for quantity orders.

bantams many breeds 2.50 each.

just got in a new batch of laying hens all are laying now, gold sexlinks 16.00 each.

we do have a few buff orpingtons, anconas, barred rocks as well 16.00 each.

Black copper marans, these are the Bev Davis line,  35.00 a pair

black copper maran hens 20.00 each, while they last.

Peachicks, dad is a bronze and mom is a India blue 30.00 each.

quail babies 1.00 each or if you take 25 or more .50 each.

Bobwhite quail also know as Wisconsin jumbos 1.00 each, only have 150 or so left.

older quail 3.50 up to 5.00 depending on age.

Turkeys— I have royal palms 6 to 8 weeks old 16.00 each

Royal palm 3 to 4 month old 25.00 Blue slate 3 to 4 month old 25.00

Chicken eggs, we are getting about 5 to 6 dozen a day, asking 3.00 a dozen.

Red bourbon only have one 3 to 4 month old 25.00

Chickens, chicks, ducks, quail, geese, pheasants, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

Just got in a new batch of laying hens that are about 14 month old, laying like crazy, asking 16.00 each.

chicks, we have barred rocks, ameracaunas, black sexlinks, tophats, cochins, and silkies, starting at 3.50 each.

ducklings 6.50 each.

quail 1.00 each.

pheasants 5.00 each.

Turkey chicks 10.00 each.

guineas many colors 5.00 for keets and 16.00 for adults.

Chicks, quail, laying hens, ducks, geese, peacocks, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014

Baby chicks in this week barred rocks 3.50 each all hens

baby quail hatching now, corturnix, A&M and Wisconsin jumbo’s

Baby ducks 6.50 each.

Geese many sizes and breeds starting at 13.00 each.

Peacocks many colors 150.00 each male or females.

Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, peachicks, turkeys, geese, ducks, quail, pheasants for sale in san antonio

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Chicks coming in this week, ameracaunas, cochins, and tophats 3.50 each.

we still have a few black australorps, black sexlinks and barredrocks as well.

turkey chicks 10.00 each.

peachicks if available 25.00 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each for the corturnix and 1.50 for the Wisconsin jumbos

Chicks, geese, laying hens, ducks, quail, peacocks, turkeys, guineas, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Laying hens, barred rocks, black sexlinks, ameracaunas, Rhoad island reds, 16.00 each.

quail chicks, courtinix, and A&M whites 1.00 each

quail chicks Wisconson jumbos 1.40 each.

turkey chicks I have some blue slates 10.00 each.

chicks, barred rocks, black sexlinks, black australorps, silkies, tophats starting at 3.50 each depending on age.

guineas keets one week old 5.00 many colors, lavender, white, pied, French

guineas 2 to 3 months old 12.00

guineas adults 16.00 each.


Quail, chicks, ducks, geese, pheasants, guineas, peacocks, turkeys and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 16th, 2014

Chicks coming in this week

Japanese silkies many colors to choose from 3.50 each or if you buy 10 or more 3.00 each.

Barred rocks all hens 3.50 each or if you buy 10 or more 3.00 each.

baby quail hatching as we speak 1.00 each. or .50 if you take 50 or more.

Will be getting in laying hens this week as well, will have many breeds Ameracaunas, barred rocks, sexlinks, orpingtons 16.00 each. not quite laying yet but soon.


Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, eggs, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 9th, 2014

Did not get an order of new chicks this week, still have quite a few left over from last week, we have Polish tophats, black sexlinks, buff orpingtons, and barred rocks all hens starting at 3.50 each. depending on age.

quail chicks hatching this week 1.00 each.

laying hens, gold sexlinks, black australorps, white rocks, rhoad island reds 16.00 each

guineas, I have white, lavender and some French all are 4 weeks and older this batch starting at 6.00 each

baby turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each. I have a couple of blue slates that are about 10 to 12 weeks old for 20.00

Peacock feather for arts and crafts 1.00 each.

baby pheasant chicks 5.00 each while they last, only have a few left.

Chicks, laying hens, quail, geese, ducks, peacocks, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, Rhoad island reds, white rocks, black australorps 16.00 each. Eggs 3.00 a doz.

Chicks in this week, black australorps, buff orpingtons, black sexlinks, barred rocks all hens starting 3.50 each.

Polish top hats all colors 3.50 each.

guineas keets, white and pied 5.00 each.

Turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each.

White turkeys to raise for Thanksgiving 6.00 each, while they last.

baby quail 1.00 each.

Peacocks over one year old males and females, white, opal, blue, pieds 150.00 each. peacock feathers 1.00 each.

geese 13.00 each

ducklings 6.50 each.

Chicks, laying hens, geese, quail, ducks, peacocks, guineas, eggs, and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 26th, 2014

Baby chicks in this week, black sexlinks, barred rocks, ameracaunas, 3.50 each.

guinea keets all colors, white, pied, French, lavenders 5.50 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each.

Turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each depending on age.

baby geese, this might be the last batch for the year so if your thinking of getting a baby goose now’s the time 13.00 each.

baby ducks 6.50 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, white rocks, rhoad island reds, black australorps, white leghorns all 16.00 each.

Silkie chickens adult pairs 35.00