Bunnies, ducks, geese, chicks, quail, turkeys, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Don’t let a little rain keep you away we have plenty of baby chicks in many breeds all hens 3.50 each.

Peacocks many colors males and females 150.00 each.

ducks 6 to 16.00 each depending on age

baby geese 13.00

baby turkeys (white ) 9.00 each.

quail chicks 1.00 each.

call ahead for bunnies we are limited  210-827-5062

Peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, chicks, pullets and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, March 18th, 2015

Peacocks, just got in a new batch of very neat colors, bronze, opal black shoulder, black shoulder, cameo, white, pieds, java, and India blue and India blue white eyes. All about 1 year old all 150.00 each.

White turkey chicks about 2 to 3 weeks old 9.00 each.

Ducklings 6.00 each.

Baby Geese 13.00 each.

baby chicks all hens, black sexlinks, white face black Spanish, buff orpington, black sexlinks, new Hampshire reds 3.50 each.

pullets 2 and a half to 3 months old, wyandottes, wellsummer, barnvelder, cuckoo maran, Delaware, barred rocks, black australorps  all hens 10.00 to 12.00 depending on breed

quail chicks 1.00 each.

will be getting in chukars soon 5.00 each.

Emu chicks, ducklings, ducks, geese, bunnies, chicks, peacocks, guineas, turkeys for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, March 10th, 2015

Emu chicks 75.00 each,

ducklings, many breeds 6.00 each.

geese many breeds 13.00 each.

chicks, white faced black Spanish, beautiful chickens 5.00 each.

chicks, buff orpington, black sexlinks, standard cochins, ameracaunas, new Hampshire reds,  and more 3.50 each.

barnyard mix chicks, buff orpington, naked necks, barred rocks in a straight run 2.00 each.

peacocks, we still have a few of the 85.00 seven month old birds left.

feed, wheat 10.00 for a fifty pound bag

baby turkeys (white) 9.00 only have a few so call ahead.

Bunnies, ducks, geese, quail, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, emu chicks for sale in San Antonio

Friday, March 6th, 2015

Baby chicks in this week, black sex links, white Cochins all hens all 3.50 each.

three week old baby chicks production black, buff Cornish, dark Cornish 4.50 each.

baby geese many breeds 13.00 each

baby geese 4 weeks old 15.00 each.

laying hens, reds, or gold sexlinks just started laying all 16 to 20 weeks of age 16.00 each.

peacocks starting at 85.00 each if you take a pair, still have many colors to choose from, if buying a female only 100.00 each. 2 year old males or older many colors to choose from 200.00 each.

Emu chicks 65.00 each. only have 13 left

Bunnies 40.00 each, we do have a cage special, cage, bag of feed, water bottle, feed bowl, salt cube, toys and bedding all 105.00 with a bunny of your choice.

Feed 50 pounds of wheat 10.00, 50 pounds of cracked corn 7.00 each.

Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, bunnies, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Friday, February 27th, 2015

This week

Laying hens will be here 12:00 noon, don’t let a little drizzle keep you away

we have a new batch of laying hens arriving on Saturday, these will be 16 to 20 week old Reds should already be laying or very close. 16.00 each, call before you come out just to make sure we got them in.

baby chicks all hens, buff minorcas, black minorcas, production blacks, Cornish all 3.50 each.

baby bantam chicks many breeds 3.50 each.

baby geese 13.00

baby ducks 6.00

baby quail 1.00 each for one week old 3 week old 2.00 and adults 5.00 each.

Peacocks starting at 85.00 each if taking a pair, females 100.00 each if just taking singles. we have many colors to choose from.

feed–  corn 7.00 a fifty pound bag,   wheat 10.00 a fifty pound bag  (Wheat is 12.5 percent protein) ducks, chickens, peacocks, all like it.

Eggs, ducks, geese, laying hens, quail, peacocks, chicks for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

Chicks in this week

Polish tophats many colors 3.50 each. Production blacks just as good as the production reds excellent layers, buff minorcas, black minorcas, dark Cornish, buff Cornish, red laced white Cornish,  all hens all 3.50 each.

Bantams many breeds 3.00 each.

Baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

baby ducks, Khaki Campbell 6.00 each, great duck very good layers

Laying hens, only have about 30 Tetra ambers left, after this no more of this breed, these hens are very good layers of large brown eggs.

Guineas, only have a few chicks left 5.00 each.

Chicken eggs 3.00 a dozen, goose eggs .50 each.


Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, eggs, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

Chicks all hens many breeds 3.50 each. Dominiques, black Jersey giants, standard cochins, red laced white Cornish, dark Cornish, buff Cornish,

Polish tophats many colors 3.50 each.

barnyard mix chicks many breeds in a straight run 2.50 each.

geese many breeds 13.00 each

ducklings, Khaki Campbell, peking, magpie and more 5.00 and up depending on age.

quail, just had a batch hatch yesterday, we have plenty 1.00 each for chicks, 5.00 for adults.

Laying hens, Tetra ambers, very good layers 14.00 each.

Have allot of people calling for peacocks for a Valentines gift, call ahead to make sure we still have, I have about 15 young birds left starting at 75.00 each, many colors.

Chicken eggs 3.00 a dozen

goose eggs .50 each.

Bunnies, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, guineas, laying hens, chicks, eggs for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

This week

we have baby chicks all hens in Rhoad island reds, black sexlinks, leghorns 3.50 each. For older chicks 4 weeks of age 4.00 each.

still have a few of the barnyard mix in a straight run 2.00 each.

Quail, baby chicks 1.00 each, 2 week old 1.50 each,  adults laying age 5.00 each.

baby geese 13.00 each for one week old 14.00 each for 3 week old.

baby ducks 5.00 each for one week old and 7.00 for one month old all pure breed many different breeds.

baby ducks Khaki Campbell, one of the best layers 6.00 each.

Baby guineas 5.00 each, only have 50 so get them while you can.

Laying hens we still have a few Tetra ambers 14.00 each. very good layers.

Peacocks we are down to the last of the young birds, we currently have about 20 left in many different colors 75.00 each.

one year old India blues 100.00, purple pied 150.00

two year olds, breeding age,  in Bronze, opal, loud pieds,  charcoal, and white 200.00

Taking orders for peking ducks for meat purposes 5 to 6 lbs 15.00 each or 12.50 for orders of 50 or more

black or blue French copper maran chicks 15.00 each.

standard cochins 5.00 each,  For  peking ducks, marans and cochins please call first, these birds will not be at this location and will be brought in when ordered.

Peacocks, laying hens, pullets, chicks, ducklings, ducks, geese, quail and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

Check out the peacock pictures on the photos and video tab

Just got in a new shipment of young peacocks in many colors 75.00 each or 140.00 a pair, whites 150.00 a pair, Opal white eyed male with an Opal black shoulder peahen 300.00 for the pair.

In adult peacocks 2 year old breeding age males Bronze male 200.00, Charcoal 150.00, silver pied 150.00

Laying hens, we have finally run out of Ameracaunas but now have plenty of Tetra Amber laying hens, these birds are laying like crazy asking 14.00 each.

Fresh farm chicken eggs 3.00 a dozen, goose eggs .50 each.

Pullets, silver laced wyandottes, wellsummers 12.00 each.

Baby ducks in many breeds 5.00 each.

Baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

Chicks, all hens, black sexlinks, red sexlinks, barred rocks, white leghorn, New Hampshire reds, Rhoad island reds, barred rocks, starting at 3.00 each

quail, we had a couple of hundred hatch today so we have plenty 1.00 each. or 5.00 for adults

Laying hens, ducks, chicks, quail, geese, guineas, peacocks, and bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

Just got in tonight Tuesday the 20th some beautiful Tetra Amber hens, these hens are between 10 to 12 months of age and lay large brown eggs,  we have 50 to choose from, will be selling these hens for 14.00 each.

Last call for the ameracauna hens we are just about out of them, we have about 20 left, there will be no more laying age ameracaunas this season, so if your thinking about the green egg layers now’s your last chance 16.00 each.

We have baby geese many breeds 13.00 each

Baby ducks many breeds 6.00 each.

Baby chicks in black sexlinks, red sexlinks, New Hampshire reds, Rhoad island reds, white leghorns, barred rocks all hens all 3.50 each.  Will be getting in another shipment so if you don’t see the breed of chick you want give us a call by Thursday and we will be able to tell you what came in this week.

Adult guineas many different colors 16.00 each.

Peacocks young birds 140.00 a pair, Adults 150.00 each, and up depending on color.

baby quail, 1.00 each  two week to three week old 2.00 adults laying eggs already 5.00 each.

Bunnies, we have Dutch, lops, and dwarfs available 35.00 each.