Ducks, guineas, quail, turkeys, chicks, laying hens, roosters, bunnies, eggs for sale in San Antonio

Friday, August 19th, 2016

Baby chicks in stock this week, all hens all 5.00 each, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington, ameracaunas.

chicks in the same breeds three to four weeks old 6.00 each.

barnyard mix chicks, in a straight run 2.00 each.

baby turkeys many breeds, Rio’s, blue slates, chocolate, blacks, 12.00 each for one week old 15.00 for older birds.

laying hens, we have a couple of ameracaunas left, and red sexlinks 16.00 each, these hens are about 16 to 20 weeks of age.

we have young pullets in many breeds including barred rocks for 10.00 each.

quail chicks in corturnix, and A&M’s 1.00 each, three week old quail 2.50 each.

used rabbit cages 15.00 a hole, used rabbit nesting boxed 10.00 each, can also be used as nesting boxes for your hens

used rabbit feeders 2.00 and 3.00 each.

square bales of hay fresh and barn kept 7.00 each.

Quail, ducks, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, pigeons, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Friday, August 12th, 2016

Baby quail 1.00 each, three week old quail 2.50

chicks, all hens, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington 5.00 each. about two to three weeks old

barnyard mix straight run chicks 2.00 each.

young pullets, barred rocks and ameracaunas 7.00 to 8.00 depending on age.

laying hens about 16 weeks old, ameracaunas and red sexlinks 16.00 each.

turkey chicks, blue slates, rio grande, blacks 12.00 each.

guineas 16.00 each.

square bales of hay 7.00 each, this is fresh and barn kept.

we are down to the last peacock its a white male two years old 150.00

used rabbit cages singles 15.00 each. doubles 30.00

Ducks, turkeys, chicks, laying hens, quail, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Laying hens coming in this Friday, will be the reds, will be about 20 weeks of age, we have not had reds for most of the summer, asking 16.00 each. We still have about 10 or so ameracaunas left as well.

baby chicks, barn yard mix straight run 2.00 each

baby chicks guaranteed hens, silver laced wyandottes, and buff orpington 5.00 each.

baby turkeys many breeds, blue slates, red bourbons, blacks 12.00 each.

baby Peking ducks 7.00 for one week old 10.00 for a month old, adult ducks 22.00 each.

baby quail 1.00 each, we have A&M and Couturnix

guineas many colors 4 months old 16.00 each

We have lots of teenage chickens, in ameracaunas, barred rocks, gold sexlinks and more 10.00 each, these pullets are about 10 weeks or older.

finished the remodel on the first rabbit barn and starting the second one, we will have more used cages available 15.00 a hole, used nest boxes 5.00 to 10.00 and used feeders 2.00 to 3.00 each.

Organic honey from our own bees 8.00 for an 8oz bear.

fresh green hay, square bales coastal/bluestem  7.00 each.

Quail, ducks, turkeys, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, July 30th, 2016

Chicks in this week all hens, silver laced wyandottes, buff orpington 5.00 each.

chicks four to six weeks old, ameracaunas, barred rocks 7.00 each, all hens

pullets 10 weeks old, Rhoad island reds, gold sexlinks 10.00

peacocks, only have three white males left 150.00 each.

laying hens, about 16 weeks old, Ameracaunas 16.00 each.

baby ducklings (Peking) 7.00 each. Adult ducks laying age 22.00 each.

quail, Texas A&M chicks 1.00 each. adults 5.00 each.

we still have a few bunnies left but are running out fast, lops, dwarfs and lionheads 40.00 each.

we have used rabbit cages 15.00 each, used rabbit boxes 10.00, rabbit feeders 2.00 for small ones 3.00 for large ones.

snake traps 35.00 each.

baby turkeys 12.00 each for one week old, 20.00 for 6 to 7 week old, only have a few left.

Ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, turkeys, black Hawaiian sheep, bunnies, cages, eggs for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 13th, 2016

Baby ducklings, white Peking 7.00 each.

baby chicks, ameracauna, barred rocks all hens all 5.00 each, can discount for large orders these chicks are one week old

we still have three week old barred rocks, 5.00 each, black minorca, buff orpington, ameracauna 6 weeks old 7.00 each.

laying hens, red sexlinks, ameracauna 16.00 each.

baby geese, buff, brown African, tufted roman 13.00 each for one week 15.00 each for three weeks and 20.00 for two month old.

turkey chicks, we have Rio Grande’s three week to four week old 15.00 two month old 20.00 each.

turkey chicks, blue slate, red bourbon, narragansetts 12.00 each.

used rabbit cages 24x24x18, we are selling these 15.00 each.

farm fresh eggs chicken and duck 3.00 a dozen, call ahead to make sure we have some.

currently we are open all day everyday but give us a call to make sure we have the gate open for you.

we also have about 10 bales of tifton 85 hay for sale 7.00 each.

Used rabbit cages for sale in San Antonio

Sunday, July 10th, 2016

Re-doing the rabbit barns, putting in new cages and selling the used ones, asking 15.00 a hole, these cages are still in good condition.

rabbit feeders 3.00 each.

Bunnies, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, chicks, peacocks, sheep, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, July 2nd, 2016

Our internet has been down so I have not been able to post what we have this week

Chicks, all hens, ameracaunas, black australorps, golden phoenix, buff orpington, starting at 5.00 and up depending on age, most are about three weeks old

guineas, we only have a few left so if you were wanting guineas now would be a good time.

ducklings, fawn and white straight runners, black Swedish and blue Swedish

baby geese, white Chinese, brown African, American buff and more 13.00 each.

turkeys, Rio’s, blue slate, and more 12.00 each, these turkeys are also about three weeks old

laying hens, naked necks, white rock, ameracaunas, and red sexlinks 16.00 each. these hens are about 15 to 20 weeks old.


Ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, peacocks, sheep, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Baby ducks, Swedish and straight runners 7.00 each.

baby geese, brown African, white Chinese, buff and others 13.00 each.

guinea keets 5.00 each.

baby chicks, barred rocks, ameracaunas, dark egg layers, buff orpington, and more starting at 5.00 each and up depending on age all hens.

quail chicks 1.00 each. Texas A&M and Corturnix

turkey chicks 12.00 each. this batch is a mixed bag, Rio’s, chocolate, white and more

laying hens, we still have a few red sexlinks left 16.00 each they are about 16 to 20 weeks old.

Black Hawaiian sheep 125.00 each for young ewes and 130.00 for rams

square bales coastal/Tifton 85 selling for 7.00 each.



Chicks, quail, ducks, geese, laying hens, peacocks, turkeys, sheep, hay for sale in San Antonio

Friday, June 17th, 2016

Baby chicks, we have ameracaunas, buff orpington, black Minorca, black australorp, golden phoenix, Japanese silkies, dark egg layers, all hens all 5.00 each.

older chicks 6 to 8 weeks 7.00, ten weeks old 10.00 each

baby quail, 1.00 each.

baby geese many breeds , buff, brown African, white Chinese 13.00 each.

laying hens, red sexlinks 16.00 each.

ducks, we have baby muscovey 8.00 each. adult ducks 20.00 each.

guinea keats, many colors 5.00 each. adult guinea 16.00 each.

Tifton 85 hay in square bales, barn kept and green 7.00 per bale

coastal/blue stem 4×5 round bales 32.00 each. just rolled today no stickers or sunflower

Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, guineas, laying hens, bunnies, goats, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016

School is out and we are now open all day everyday.

Laying hens 16 to 20 weeks old 16.00

Chicks in this week, barred rocks, dark egg layers (wellsummer, barnvelders, cuckoo maran) Japanese silkies, blue andalusion, black Minorca, golden phoenix, production black  5.00 each.

barnyard mix chicks straight run 1.75 each.

chicks 6 weeks old 7.00 we have buff orpington, pullets 10 weeks old 10.00 each. we have gold sexlinks

Ducklings, muscoveys 8.00 and up

ducklings, khaki Campbell about 6 weeks old 10.00 each.

turkey chicks, heritage breeds 10.00 for one week old 15.00 for one month old

guinea keats 5.00 each.

baby geese, brown African, white Chinese, saddleback, buff 13.00 each. one baby goose sebastapol/sebastapol cross 30.00

baby Nigerian dwarf goats 125.00 each.

baby black Hawaiian sheep 125.00 each.

laying hens coming in on the 13th