Baby chicks, silver lace wyandottes, buff orpington, black australorp, barred rocks, and ameracaunas all hens all 5.00
young peacocks many colors 75.00 each.
we have three mini pot belly pigs left white and black spots 125.00 each, would make a great Xmas present.
bunnies, lops, lionheads, and dwarfs 40.00 each. We have a special with new cage, water bottle, food bowl, bedding, toys, bag of hay, bag of feed and a bunny of your choice for 105.00
quail, chicks 1.00 each two to three week old birds 2.50 and adults that have started laying eggs 5.00 each.
guineas about 5 weeks old 7.00 each.
baby ducklings 7.00 each adults 20.00 each.
We do not have any laying hens at this time but give us a call and put yourself on the list, we should be getting hens in about a week.