Laying hens, ducks, chicks, geese, pheasants, quail, turkeys, guineas, Zebu cattle, Ibex for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, July 31st, 2018

Just got in today a new batch of red sexlinks and gold sexlinks just about ready to start laying eggs 16.00 each.

Chicks, Barnvelders, Ameracaunas, Cuckoo marans about 4 weeks old 5.00 each, guaranteed hens 5.00 each.

Chicks, golden laced wyandottes about 6 weeks old all hens 6.00 each.

pullets, Delawares and black Australorps about 8 to 10 weeks old /8.00 each.

Guineas about 6 weeks old 6.00 each.

Turkeys many sizes many breeds one week old 13.00, 6 weeks old 15.00 and 8 to 10 weeks old 18.00 each.

Adult quail, already laying eggs 5.00 each.

Zubu and Dexter cattle 600.00 each.

Ibex 300.00 OBO each. I have two males and two females

Ask about our honey, mustang grape jelly, fig preserves, polmagranet jelly 6.00 each.

square bales of hay 8.00 each.

Pot belly pigs I have two white females left 125.00 each.

Baby muscovey ducklings 7.00 each.

Pot belly pigs, ducks, geese, peacocks, quail, chicks, laying hens, Ibex, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, July 26th, 2018

Ibex (Steinbock) I have two pairs left. 300.00 each or 575.00 for the pair

Pot belly pigs, these are supposed to be mini pot bellys they are both white and females 125.00 each.

Peacocks, I have many colors to choose from males and females

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks 16.00 each.

Chicks, barnvelders, cuckoo marans, and ameracaunas all females all 4.00 each.

Chicks, about 6 weeks old, gold laced wyandottes 6.00 each.

Pullets about 8 weeks old, Delawares, black australorp 7.00 each.

Guineas 4 to 5 weeks old 6.00 each, many colors

Baby ducks, only have a few left (white muscoveys) 7.00 each.

Quail, we only have adults at this time and very few left call before coming out if this is what your looking for, we have corturnix only. they are egg laying age. 5.00 each.

Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, guineas, peacocks, bunnies, Ibex, Aoudad, mini pot belly pigs for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, July 21st, 2018

Baby chicks, all hens, cuckoo marans, barnvelders, and ameracaunas 4.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks 16.00 each

Guineas, about 4 weeks old 6.00 each many colors to choose from

Peacocks, many colors to choose from 150.00 each, we have males and females available they are about 14 months old

Quail, adults 5.00 each, we only have a few left.

Honey, fig jams, mustang grape jelly 6.00 each.

Young Ibex 525.00 a pair

Young Aoudads ewes 150.00 each.

Pot belly pigs (mini) I have two white females 125.00 each.


Laying hens, chicks, ducks, geese, quail, bunnies, bantams, turkeys, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks about 20 weeks old 16.00 each.

Laying hens, barred rocks, cream legbars, about 1 year old 16.00 each.

Chicks in this week all hens all 4.00 each. Barnvelders, Cuckoo Marans, Ameracaunas

Older chicks, 7 to 8 week old, Delawares, black australorp 7.00 each.

Bantams, silver duckwings hens 16.00 roos 12.00 each.

Quail, laying age, Courtinex 5.00 each.

Turkeys, 2 to 3 month old turkeys black Spanish 18.00 each

Turkeys 3 week olds 13.00 each. blue slate, black spanish, red bourbon

Guinea keats, many colors, pieds, lavender, pearls 6.00 each.

Bunnies, we have a few left of Holland lops, and lionheads 30.00 each.

Peacocks, Peahens, many colors, Pieds, white, black shoulder, emerald 150.00 each.

Ducks, geese, pheasants, quail, chicks, laying hens, miniature dexter bull, zebu bull and heifer, hay for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 21st, 2018

Baby chicks in this week, gold laced wyandottes, barred rocks, ameracaunas all hens all 4.00 each.

Chicks about 4 to 6 weeks old, no longer need a heat lamp, Delawares, buff orpington, barred rocks, black Australorp all hens all 6.00 to 7.00 each depending on age.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks just about to lay eggs 16.00 each.

quail chicks about 2 to 3 weeks old 1.50 each.

baby ducks, muscoveys, buff, black Swedish, magpie 7.00 each.

4×5 round bales of hay 50.00 each.

square bales 8.00. each.

we still have a few bunnies left, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs and lionheads 30.00 each while they last.

Just got in today, Peacocks, many colors to choose from, pieds, bronze, white, purple, opal 150.00 males and females

Baby Guineas many colors, white, lavender, pieds, pearl and French 6.00 each.

Laying hens, ducks, quail, pheasants, peacocks, chicks, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

Red sexlink laying hens, some are already laying eggs 16.00 each.

3 to 4 week old chicks, Delawares, barred rocks, golden laced wyandottes, silver wyandottes, guaranteed females 6.00 each.

6 week old chicks, buff orpington, white leghorn and barred rocks 7.00 guaranteed females

Baby quail, courtinix 1.00 each.

Baby ducks, peking and mallards, buff, blue and black Swedish  7.00 each.

Bunnies, we still have a few left we are clearing them out for 30.00 each.

square hay bales 8.00 each.

4 x 5 round bales coastal and blue stem mix no trash 50.00 each.

Bantams pairs 30.00 each, the hens are laying eggs.

Chicks, ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, bunnies, pheasants, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Barnyard chicks, Black Jersey giants, California whites 1.50 each.

Chicks, Delawares, barred rocks, white leghorn, buff orpington, polish tophats 4.00 each.

Chicks, 4 to 5 weeks old barred rocks, buff orpington 6.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks already laying 16.00 each.

Bunnies, get them now, the summer heat is coming and there will be no more bunnies till October, so take advantage of what we have left.

bunnies are 40.00 each.

Chicks, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, pheasants, geese, ducks, bunnies, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Baby chicks in this week, Polish top hats, Delaware, silver laced wyandottes, black australorp 4.00 each.

Older chicks 3 weeks old, all hens, buff orpington, barred rocks 5.00 each.

Chicks, 6 weeks old, barred rocks, buff orpington 6.00 each all hens.

Turkey chicks many breeds, blue, black, royal palm and more 13.00 each, royal palm 3 weeks old 14.00 each.

Ring neck pheasants adults, pair 70.00 each. Trio 100.00

Peacocks and peahens many colors, opal, white, pied, spaulding, cameo, purple 150.00 each all are over one year old

Young geese, brown African about 10 weeks old 20.00 each.

Baby ducklings, mallards, muscovey, black Swedish, about 4 weeks old 7.00 each.

Bunnies, lionheads, Netherland dwarfs, Holland lops 40.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks about 20 weeks old, some have already started laying eggs 16.00 each.

I have two dorper sheep one black and white and one solid black about 6 months old both males 150.00 each.

Guinea keets, 4 week old 6.00 each. one week old 5.00 each, we only have a limited amount of these so call ahead to make sure we still have some.

Ducks, geese, pheasants, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, turkeys, guineas, miniature cattle, sheep for sale in San Antonio

Friday, May 11th, 2018

Baby ducks, muscoveys, mallards, Swedish 5.00 each. three weeks old 7.00 adults 20.00

Baby geese, one month old 15.00 each. Brown Africans

Ring neck pheasants, 70.00 a pair 100.00 a trio

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, some have already begun laying eggs 16.00 each.

Baby chicks, all hens two weeks old, buff orpington, barred rocks, white leghorns

Baby turkeys, royal palms about 3 to 4 weeks old 14.00 each.

Baby guinea keets many colors 6.00 each.

Peacocks, and peahens 150.00 each. many colors to choose from, bronze, white, opal, cameo, purple, pieds, black shoulder, blue, charcoal.

Baby Nigerian dwarf goat male 2 months old 125.00

This one is for you Adrian, bantam roosters 10.00 each.

Pot belly pigs, pheasants, turkeys, guineas, peacocks, ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks, bunnies, sheep, miniature cattle for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Baby pot belly pigs, black and white, we have a male and a female, they are about 5 to 6 weeks old (these are the mini’s)

Adult pheasants, red golden males 80.00 each, golden males 80.00 each, ring neck pheasants 70.00 for a pair and 100.00 for a trio

Baby geese, brown African 13.00 each. adult geese 45.00

Baby turkeys, many breeds, bronze, chocolate, white Holland, red bourbon, 13.00 for all breeds 12.00 for white

Baby chicks, barred rocks, buff orpington, white leghorn 4.00 each all hens guaranteed.

Baby chicks Japanese silkie 4.00 each.

Older Chicks, barred rocks about 6 weeks old 7.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks 16.00 each

Peacocks, many colors males and females just over a year old 150.00 each, colors include, charcoal, pieds, bronze, white, purple, cameo, black shoulder, blue

Baby guinea chicks arriving Monday the 7th many colors to choose from 6.00 each. guinea keets will be older than two weeks old.

Baby ducklings, black Swedish, mallard, muscovey 7.00 each.

Bunnies, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, lionheads 40.00 each, we still have a cage special, new cage, water bottle, food bowl, bag of feed, bag of Timothy hay, toy, treats, salt lick, bedding, all this and a bunny of your choice 110.00