Ducklings, ducks, geese, quail, chicks, laying hens, peacocks, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020

Ducklings, Peking, straight runners, khaki Campbell 7.00 each, will discount for volume buyers. Take five or more of the peking ducklings will discount to 5.50 each.

Adult ducks, rouens, khaki Campbell, mallards, peking, Swedish all are starting to lay eggs 20.00 each.

Quail Chicks, coturnix 1.00 for one week old chicks, 2.00 for two week olds and 5.00 for adults

Button quail, 10.00 each.

Baby Geese, we have a few left of brown African and White Chinese 13.00 each.

Young peacocks and peahens, many colors 110.00 for females and 100.00 for males if you take a pair 200.00

Laying hens, 5 months old we have barred rocks, red sexlinks and gold sexlinks 17.00 each, can discount for multiple orders, first come first serve on the barred rocks, we only have about 22 left.

Chicks, ameracaunas, barred rocks 6 weeks old, all feathered out no need for heat lamp 7.00 each. all females.

This is the time to get started on your backyard chicken flock so you will have plenty of eggs in the spring!

Open all day MLK holiday!



Ducks, geese, quail, peacocks, chicks, laying hens, pigeons, bunnies, ibex for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, January 9th, 2020

Arrived today, baby ducklings, we have a limited number of straight runners (fawn and white), khaki Campbells 7.00 each.

Baby geese, brown African and White Chinese 13.00 each.

Quail Chicks, three days old 1.00 or if you take fifty or more .75 each, two weeks old 1.50 while they last, older quail 4 to 5 weeks old 3.50 each.

Bunnies, lionheads, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs 40.00 each.

Laying hens, we have a group of older hens over a year old still laying eggs Rhode island reds 12.00 each, only have about 30 or so left.

Peacocks, expecting in a new shipment of birds shortly but I still have three male bronze peacocks 2 year olds breeding ready, these birds are really beautiful when they grow their tails 150.00 each.

Chicks, females only, we have ameracaunas, barred rocks that are about 6 to 7 weeks old asking 7.00 each, we also have some that are a couple of weeks older for 8.00 each.

Young peacocks, males and females, many colors to choose from, asking 100.00 for males and 110.00 for females or if you take a pair 200.00 for the pair.


Bunnies, ducks, laying hens, chicks, quail, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Friday, January 3rd, 2020

Bunnies, Holland lops, lionheads, Netherland dwarfs 40.00 each while they last.

Baby ducks, muscovey, blue and black swedish 7.00 each for one week old 4 week old 10.00 adults 20.00 each.

Laying hens, we just got in a new batch of older hens over one year old, laying eggs, beautiful Rhode island reds and black Jersey giants 12.00 each while they last.

Chicks, we have 4 week old guaranteed hens ameracaunas, barred rocks 7.00 each.

Pullets 10 to 12 week old black Jersey giants 10.00 each.

Quail chicks 1.00 each two week old chicks 2.00 each three to four week old 3.00 each.

Ducks, geese, laying hens, chicks, peacocks, quail, guineas, bunnies for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

Adult ducks, many breeds 20.00 each , all are under one year old.

Ducklings, khaki Campbell, mallards, Swedish 7.00 each.

Chicks, all hens guaranteed, barred rocks, black australorp, ameracaunas 5.00 each

Older chicks about 3 weeks old all hens, ameracaunas , barred rocks 6.00 each.

Pullets 11 week old black Jersey giants 10.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks already laying eggs 17.00 each.

Baby geese, brown African and white Chinese 13.00 each.

Baby courtinix quail 1.00 each.

Adult guineas 17.00 each.

Peacocks, males and females many colors, males 150.00 females 160.00

Bunnies, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, lion heads 40.00 each, we have a cage special new cage, water bottle, food bowl, bedding, bag of feed, toy, treats and the bunny of your choice 110.00.


Bunnies, ducklings, geese, chicks, laying hens, quail, guineas, peacocks for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, December 5th, 2019

Baby chicks, all hens, buff orpington, ameracaunas, black australorp 5.00 each.

Baby chicks, three weeks old all hens, ameracaunas, barred rocks, black australorp 6.00 each.

Pullets 10 weeks old, black Jersey giants 10.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks 5 months old most have already started laying eggs 17.00 each.

Guineas, we only have adults right now 17.00 each.

Peacocks many colors, males 150.00 females 160.00

Baby quail 1.00 each, three week old 2.50 each.

Baby geese, many breeds, white Chinese, brown African and more 13.00 each.

Ducks, ducklings, baby ducks we have khaki Campbell, blue Swedish, mallards and more 7.00 each, adults we have Peking and muscovey 20.00 each, we have some teenagers in mallards and black Swedish 10.00 each.

I have two Ibex left one male and one female she has been exposed to the male asking 550.00 for the pair.

I have one micro mini zebu bull, brown he is about one year old very small asking 325.00

Geese, ducks, quail, chicks, laying hens, donkeys, peacocks, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, November 21st, 2019

Baby Geese, brown African and White Chinese 13.00 each.

Ducklings, mallards, blue and black Swedish 7.00 each.

Adult ducks 20.00, Peking, muscovey

Baby chicks, all females, black australorp, Easter egger, barred rocks 5.00 each, can discount for volume sales

Baby quail, courturnix 1.00 each.

Button quail 10.00 each.

Two male donkeys standard size one adult and one baby 150.00 each

Laying hens, red and gold sexlinks just started laying eggs 17.00 each.

Adult Guineas 18.00 each

Peacocks males 150.00 females 160.00 many colors to choose from

Game chickens, hens great mama’s  12.00 each

Rolls of hay blue stem and coastal mix 40.00 each.

Square bales 8.00 each.

Fresh honey and pomegranate jelly 6.00 for the honey 5.00 for the jelly, I do have a couple of quart jars of honey with comb 20.00 each.

Farm fresh eggs 3.00 a dozen

Laying hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quail, peacocks, chicks, donkeys for sale in San Antonio

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

Full size donkey and baby donkey both males 150.00 each. Friendly and great watchdogs

Laying hens, we just got in red and gold sexlinks already started laying eggs, 17.00 each

Laying hens, a tad bit younger should start laying eggs soon, Rhoad island reds, black australorp 15.00 each, we only have a few of these left.

Chicks, salmon favarolles, buff orpington, ameracaunas about 6 weeks old 7.00 older chicks 8.00 each.

Adult blue slate tukeys 45.00 each.

Peacocks males and females 150.00 and 160.00 each.

Baby ducks, Swedish, mallards 7.00 each. adults 20.00 each.


Ibex, peacocks, guineas, turkeys, geese, laying hens, chicks, quail for sale in San Antonio

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Ibex, young male and two females 900.00 for the trio, SOLD one female now down to one male one female

Peacocks and peahens coming two years of age, will lay eggs this spring, males 150.00 females 160.00 this will be the last of the two year olds this season.

Adult guineas, white, pieds and French 18.00 each.

Laying hens, gold sexlinks, red sexlinks 17.00 each.

Barnyard chicks, 2.00 each while they last

3 week old chicks, guaranteed females, salmon favarolles, ameracaunas, buff orpington 6.00 each.

6 week old chicks, guaranteed females 7.00 each.

10 week old pullets 10.00 each. we only have three or four of these left.

Quail chicks 1.00 each.

Button quail three to four week olds, lavender and other colors we only have a few 10.00 each.

Blue slate turkeys adults 45.00 each

Baby geese, brown African, white Chinese 13.00 each.

Donkeys, adult male 150.00 baby male 150.00

Quail, ducks, geese, chicks, laying hens, rabbits, ibex, guineas for sale in San Antonio

Friday, October 25th, 2019

Button quail, three weeks old, lavender and other colors 10.00 each.

Barnyard chicks, 2.00 each while they last, ameracaunas and more

Chicks, guaranteed hens, ameracaunas, black Jersey giants, brahmas, and salmon favarolles 5.00 each these chicks are three to four weeks old.

Pullets about 10 weeks old, wyandottes, wellsumers, black australorp 10.00 each.

Laying hens, red sexlinks and gold sexlinks 17.00 each five months old and already laying eggs.

Baby geese many breeds 13.00 each.

Ducklings, mallards, Swedish 7.00 each. Adults 20.00 each.

Adult Guineas 17.00 each.

Ibex, ducks, chicks, laying hens, for sale in San Antonio

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

3 young Ibex two females and a male 300.00 each.

Baby ducks, mallards and black Swedish 7.00 for one week old 10.00 for one month old. 20.00 for adults

Laying hens, gold sexlinks and red sexlinks already laying eggs 17.00 each.

Chicks in this week, Easter eggers, buff orpington, assorted brahmas, salmon faverolle all hens all 5.00 each

Chicks, three to four weeks old, all hens, buff orpington, black Jersey giants, ameracaunas 6.00 each.

Pullets 6 to 8 weeks old 10.00 each.

Guinea chicks 5.00 each, Guinea adults 17.00 each

Honey, quart jars with honey comb 20.00 each. 12oz bears 6.00 for one 11.00 for two