Chicks, laying hens, peacocks, ducks, geese, quail, eggs, bunnies for sale in San Antonio
Did not get an order of new chicks this week, still have quite a few left over from last week, we have Polish tophats, black sexlinks, buff orpingtons, and barred rocks all hens starting at 3.50 each. depending on age.
quail chicks hatching this week 1.00 each.
laying hens, gold sexlinks, black australorps, white rocks, rhoad island reds 16.00 each
guineas, I have white, lavender and some French all are 4 weeks and older this batch starting at 6.00 each
baby turkeys many breeds starting at 10.00 each. I have a couple of blue slates that are about 10 to 12 weeks old for 20.00
Peacock feather for arts and crafts 1.00 each.
baby pheasant chicks 5.00 each while they last, only have a few left.