M & T Rabbitry has bunnies, laying hens, chicks, quail, peacocks, geese, ducks, turkeys for sale in San Antonio
Hours of Operation 10-6 seven days a week
Bunnies, Lionshead, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs, summer special 35.00 each.
Breeder Rabbits, Lionshead, Holland lops, Netherland dwarfs 35.00 each.
Laying hens, red sex links 5 months old 20.00 each.
Japanese silkie hens, 25.00 each.
Chicks, Blue Australorps, buff Orpington, Easter egger, Delawares all hens all 6.00 each.
Chicks, two weeks old, Blue Australorp, Blue French Copper Marans, Easter eggers, Japanese silkies, frizzles 6.00 each.
Quail chicks, Coturnix 1.00 each.
Baby ducks, Cayuga, khaki Campbell 8.00 each.
Adult males, call ducks 25.00 each.
Peacocks and Peahens just in, many colors, Spaulding, bronze, opal, platinum, cameo, 155 each, Pied and white 175.00